How to Deal with the Need of Ego in the Task of Learning to Serve in Light and Love

Matthew’s Messages, February 24, 2019

 "First we say, ego gets a bad rap when it is limited to denoting egotism or pomposity, and it is more than your dictionary definition, the part of the psyche of which a person is consciously aware.

"Ego can be considered a work in progress because it changes as you add to your conscious awareness through academic and religious teachings; observations; ideas; expanded circle of acquaintances; conformance with or rebellion against parental, peer and societal expectations; pursuit of interests; the honing of skills and talents; acquisition of “street smarts”; development of values and standards of conduct; success or failure in personal relationships and professional goals. In short, ego is the composite of everything you have experienced from infancy to date.

"So, it is not an issue of the need of ego in learning how to serve in light and love or in any other capacity. Ego simply is. It is your concept of who you are, an intrinsic part of you that functions 24/7 as naturally as breathing. Ego goes to its composite of all the human traits and actions it has experienced or observed—its storage facility of supplies, so to say—and automatically chooses what it wants as you interact with others and react to circumstances.

"Everything in the supply line available to ego emits vibrations. The high end of the line includes “godly ways”: kindness, empathy, compassion, humility, gentleness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, gratitude, generosity, joy, honesty, forgiveness, trustworthiness, loyalty, dependability, hopefulness, and perseverance in times of adversity. The low end includes apathy, immorality and amorality, cruelty, deceptiveness, betrayal, bigotry, arrogance, fear, anger, stinginess, jealousy, envy, pessimism, resentment, guilt, egotism, hubris and vengefulness. That duality in third density humankind comes from the belief that each person is separate from all others and from God.

"Now then, choosing traits and actions with high vibrations enables clarity in perceiving self and others and acting with sound judgment, whereas choices in low vibratory ranges produce deluded opinions of self, flawed assessment of others, and rash rather than reasoned behavior. And, what you think of as character, nature or personality are what the ego most frequently chooses from its spectrum of possible selections. In this, conscience—the province of the soul that nudges provisions chosen in the soul contract—is ego’s companion and ally; but if conscience is consistently ignored, it atrophies and becomes nonfunctional, thereby leaving ego out on a limb, in a manner of speaking.

"To give an example of ego “in action,” let us say that four strangers have just been seated in the waiting area of a crowded restaurant. Their reactions are in consonance with what automatically comes to each: One thinks about the delicious dinner ahead, one worries about being late for an evening business appointment, one looks around the room and admires its décor, the fourth shows annoyance about having to wait for a table. Those four different perceptions of a shared situation enter the collective consciousness of Earth. As they wait, each person perceives self—self-image—and forms an impression of the other three, so 16 more perceptions exist within the group and those, like all the other thoughts and feelings that come to them, also become part of the collective consciousness.

"Let us take this a step further. You see things as solid, but nothing is—everything is energy fluctuating within vastly varying degrees of frequency—and, like vision, everything that your other four senses tell you also is what you perceive it to be—what you perceive is what you believe and that is your reality. Now let us put into that perspective your questioning how various situations are affecting the light—those you mentioned and all others are reflecting the myriad perceptions of reality within the populace at any given moment.

"Putting all of those into the context of today’s happenings produces two primary and opposing perceptions—a world ruled by the few who feel entitled to do what they want is one; the other is a peaceful, harmonious world with justness and abundance for everyone. The continuously increasing strength of the latter perception’s energy in the collective consciousness is manifesting that envisioned and desired world. And it doesn’t stop there. The energy of that perception flows into universal mass consciousness and on into cosmic consciousness—everything happening anywhere affects everything everywhere.

"We digressed considerably, so let us bring ego back down to Earth and speak about persons who are serving in light and love, or lightworkers. They are acting upon ego’s natural selection from its supply facility the qualities that emit the highest vibrations. The same is true of people who are living in godly ways, but they haven’t heard the term lightworker so don’t think of themselves as such. The difference between you who know you are lightworkers and the many millions who don’t know they are is your knowledge.

"You know you are multidimensional immortal souls inseparably connected with each other and God, and all souls are the pure love-light essence of Creator. You know about soul contracts and pre-birth agreements, universal laws and planetary and personal ascension. You know there are countless souls in other civilizations, many of which are highly evolved spiritually, consciously and technologically, and some are your ancestors. And you know that during this unprecedented era of change throughout this universe, love-light, the most powerful force in the cosmos, is vanquishing the vestiges of darkness on Earth."

Suzanne Ward