Creative Visualization Techniques

Use the power of the mind to maintain and transform your world.  Add emotion to the mix and you have a powerful formula for success!  Creative visualization can be used to bring about healing, manifest your heart’s desires, alleviate psychological pain (e.g., anxiety, sadness, depression), and to improve self-esteem and self-confidence, success and happiness.   


Divination has been used throughout history.  It can be used to locate water, receive answers to questions, and more.  Learn different tools of divination (e.g., rods, runes, tarot cards, and pendulums) and how best to use each one.  Choose a fist-sized garden variety rock of your choice (not a gem; i.e., Rose Quartz, Malachite, Jasper, etc.), then choose your rock with a question in mind.  Learn the message the rock has to offer you.

Dowsing – Advanced

Have you ever wondered how to use dowsing rods and pendulums to create abundance in your life, release trauma, and more? Divination tools are excellent ways to strengthen your intuition. They are used to provide guidance, to release what is no longer desired, to create abundance and prosperity, to heal, and more. It’s easy to do, and anyone can do it! In this class you will learn how to use dowsing rods and pendulums on a much deeper level. If you have your own divination tools, bring them with you. You know the basics, now you can go on to use divination to accomplish more things.

Candles have been used to create magic since the beginning of time. They are used in religious and ritualistic ceremonies. The flame represents your inner Light. It is a reminder of our connection to the Source of creation. We were created by the flame of our soul. The flame's energies come from your higher consciousness. Learn how to use the flame of the candle to "go within" to receive messages and to find answers. Believe in the power of the flame, and it will work for you.

Flame Messages

Higher Vibrational Magic

Learn more about how setting intention with candles can help to bring about change within you. Most of us have performed our first act of candle magic by the time we are two years old. Blowing out the candles on our first birthday cake and making a wish is pure magic. This childhood custom is based on the three magical principals of concentration, visualization, and your ability to believe. In simple terms, the child who wants his wish to come true has to concentrate (blow out the candles), visualize the end result (make a wish), and believe that it will come true.

This class is designed to help gain a better understanding of your own individual intuitive talents and how to use them to enhance your own personal growth and development. Learn how to access and trust your inner wisdom and improve your ability to tune into the spirit world. Meet your spirit guides and angels, communicate with trees, find information about the human body, and more.  Great for beginners who need direction and support, as well as the more advanced who may desire to fine tune their abilities.

Intuitive Development

Learning to develop your intuition can be compared to flexing a muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it. The more you flex your muscle, the more it will work for you. Learn about the mind'four states of frequencies, meet the Claire's (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent, clairtangency, clairgustance, clairempathy, and channeling) , and how to tell the difference between your ego, logic/reason, spirit guides, and your intuition. Learn how to discern between that which is high vibrational and low vibrational messages coming to you. 

Listening to Your Inner Being

Travel on the drum to a time and place visited by the ancient ones to gain knowledge. Shamanic journeying can support you in life. It is a spiritual journey to another consciousness (realm) through drumming or rattling to meet your spirit helpers (e.g., animal, angel, etc.). These helpers provide information regarding the root cause of dis-ease (mental or emotional), as well as provide healing and answers to questions you may have in or about life. Three expeditions will be explored. Bring a journal to capture your discoveries.

Shamanic Journeying

Tarot is an ancient divinatory system that tells a story.  Tarot and oracle cards are used to gain insight and to see what is going on within you.  Learning to read tarot and oracle cards takes a combination of knowledge and intuition that anyone can develop.  Learn how to use the cards to develop your intuitive ability. 

Tarot and Oracle Card Basics