A NEW WORLD IS BORN! December 2020

In Numerology, there is a primary and a secondary energy to each day. It is important to note the auspicious numerology of two days that occurred this past December:

• Primarily, the 21st of December was a 3 day, a day for creation. Overall, 12/21/2020 was a 10 day, a day of new beginnings with the connection to Source/God.

• Primarily, the 27th of December was a 9 day, a day for rebirthing. Overall, 12/27/2020 was a 7 day, a very spiritual day with a connection to Source/God.

Mother/Father Earth have birthed into our planet a New World. The process began about the time the Coronavirus appeared last year. Nine months later, they delivered to us a New World.

Labor pains began with the flooding of Light that came into the world on December 21. The Grand Conjunction, meteor showers, new moon, and winter solstice all took place on the same day. The amount of Light brought into our world on December 21 was incredible and exciting! In the Cosmos, this Light shower is lovingly called “the second Big Bang.” Humanity IS now in the infancy stage of this New World.

On December 27, the birthing process was complete, and a New World was born. Collectively, we all “ascended,” (moved upward) to a higher vibration with the help of this huge influx of Light. The vibrations on Earth are much higher as a result, whether we realize it or not.

Mother/Father Earth and the Universe did their part, and now it is time for us to do ours. It will take us awhile to get used to this new energy, just as it takes time for a baby to grow to an adult. It is difficult for us to imagine what this New World will look like at this time, no different than our trying to imagine what a baby will look like as an adult when it is born. It is time to create the world we desire to see.

What happens when a baby is born? Doesn’t it come out covered with “stuff” from the space where it previously had been? A baby must be cleaned up once it enters the world. This is where humanity is now. We entered this New World with old baggage, which we must now let it go. This will take some time. It will not be an overnight process, and it will not be easy because man tends to resist change, even if it is for our highest good.

Before anything monumental can come into existence, the world must first be balanced. And was it ever balanced! Polarization between two factions was HUGE. People believed either one way or the other (scales of balance), with no middle ground.

People clung to their perception of what they believed to be truth, right or wrong, never letting go. Much of humanity was brainwashed by mainstream media, over and over again, relentlessly. Others found their truth through other sources after being censored by social media.

All of this had to happen to create the balance that was needed to birth in the New World. As mainstream media becomes dismantled, more and more truths will come out, some quite shocking, and humanity will reunite to create a new way of being, rooted in Love.

In these higher vibrations of Light, manifestation comes quickly and easily. Now more than ever before, we must stay positive and loving in all that we think, do, believe, and say because whatever energy we give out, it WILL return to us faster and harder than ever before. For example, if we feel like a victim in life, we will BECOME the victim we believe ourselves to be, in record time. If we feel like a champion in life, we will BE the champion we believe ourselves to be.

2021 may begin a little chaotic for life as we know it will be reconfigured, renovated, or retired. Check out new options and discard what no longer serves you. Make way for the New World being created. Create a life you will love. Be open to new thoughts and new ideas.

Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel by the end of 2021, and we will all be able to feel this lightness towards the end of the year. 2021 will be the year of taking down the old patriarchal structure. 2022 will be the year to rebuild a new one (cause and effect, leadership, family importance).

The core essence of who we really are will no longer allow us to sit in the energy of shame, blame, and guilt. These are fear-based and must be released as we move into a world of love, happiness, joy, healing, abundance, and prosperity for all, not just a few.

Blessings to you on your journey!

With much love, Pat