How to Care for Your Fourfold Being

Daily Routine


 Spiritual—These practices ensure that you are calling high vibrations unto and on to yourself.

· Meditate - 10 minutes every day, eyes open, to align your fourfold being. 15 minutes longer as time permits (after 10 minutes with eyes open), eyes closed, to go deeper

· Personal prayers - Ask and you shall receive. Pray out loud so the Universe can respond back. Give gratitude, the highest vibrational form of prayer there is. Opens the third eye and crown chakra.

· The Platinum Shield

· Recite Source’s “I Am Decrees”

· Breathe! In through the nose and out through the mouth.

· Have confidence in knowing you are never alone, never separate from Source/God.

· Remember, Love is the key to fighting off anything negative spiritually.


Mental—to clear Karma

· Remember! You are Creator. There is nothing you cannot do if you only but wish or desire to obtain it.

· Keep your thoughts positive and loving. Always look at the bright side for all things change, all things can change. Low vibrational thoughts and feelings come from low vibrational angels. Push them away! Spend 3-5 minutes giving gratitude or saying I Am decrees.

· Apologize when appropriate, even when you mental says you should or need not.

· Seek Truth! Read high vibrational spiritual information daily.

· Sharpen your brain every day through games, puzzles, and conversation.


Emotional—to clear Karma

· Stay away from energy vampires. Do not try to rescue them or reinforce their negative behaviors in any manner. Limit eye contact with them. Eyes are the entranceway to the soul. Protect your soul. Say: In the name of All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, I bring about a covering of light and love to shield me from all harm, especially any penetration of my auric field of energy. This is for my highest good. So it is uttered. So it is done.

· Be compassionate with others. Have compassion for self.

· Know full well that each of us on Earth behaves as we do, or have, contingent upon the information that we have received and accepted at the vibration that we may be.

· Continually check self—thoughts, words, beliefs, and actions—to make sure they are positive and loving, truthful.

· Write release letters, whenever necessary.

· Be the peace you wish to see in this world.

· Stay humble. Ego (Edging God Out) will take you down a road you will live to regret.

· Have hope! Trust in the process of life. There is reason and purpose for everything.


Physical—to maintain the vehicle you created to maneuver around Earth

Take the appropriate vitamins and supplements for your height, weight, and skeletal frame. Your daily multivitamin should include:

· Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Folate (folic acid), Vitamin B-12

· Your diet or meals should consist of small portions versus large. While meat can be eaten, a plant-based diet is best for your body physical and spiritually.

· Juicing—to give your body the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs.

· Proper exercise for your height, weight, and skeletal frame. Make sure a cardiovascular component is included. Ensure the proper oxygenation and blood flow are occurring within your being. Walk 10,000 steps each day.

· Do not be prone to fads that occur and are sprung from greed. You are different, yet the same as everyone else.


Protection—for your home, your loved ones, your personal being

· Essential oils—Release, Sage, Cedar

· Stones, Crystals, and Minerals. Grid your home with five quartz crystals. Carry with you at all times one agate, smoky quartz, or black tourmaline for personal protection. Carry with you other stones for grounding, balance, psychic protection, cleansing the aura, converting negativity, etc. Place an amethyst geode tower in your home to ward off lower vibrational angels.

· Healing Modalities—to help clear negativity and push away lower vibrational angels