Removing Low Vibration Entities

Signs that you have an entity on you, draining your energy:  tired all the time, depression, yawning all the time even though you have slept well, drained of energy for no reason, cranky, thinking/acting negatively (not in character), pain on the body (e.g., stiff neck) or a pain that moves around the body.  The entities will go to your weak areas, including the neck, shoulders, and back.  It is important to be aware of your energy at all times!

Suggestions from Source (through Elliott Eli Jackson)

You may want to use Young Living’s Release when performing this ritual.  While there are many ways to release low-vibration entities, following are a few recommended ways to consider using:

 1.  Place 2 drops each of Release into the palm of your hands.  If the entity is stuck to your fingers, rub your fingers in the oils.  Then rub your hands together so the oils get into your hands.  Taking deep breaths, breathe in the energy three times.  Then say:

“In the Name of All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, I command all lower vibrational portions of the universe that are in and around me in any other measure other than as assigned by the universe, even in trace amounts, to leave me now, to leave my aura, my energy field, my mental, and my emotional.  I further command you to leave the land that this building is on and every crack and crevice of my abode, away from my finances, my ability to intake money and pay my bills, and away from my other, my mother, my children and grandchildren, their auras and energy field.  And so it is uttered, and so it is done.”

Know it is done.  BELIEVE it is done!   – Source

2.   If you feel you have one or more spirits (yes, you can have more than one!), say out loud, as necessary:

“In the name of All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be, I command lower vibrational portions of the All that are within, on, and around me in any other measure other than that as naturally assigned by the universe to leave.  I send you away to your proper place of existence, which is not on this person, in this home, or on this land.  And so it is uttered, so it is done!”

Believe it, and so shall it be.  You will feel a difference.  Say it every day to keep the lower-vibrational spirits away.  If you have trouble saying this mantra, you have a lower-vibrational spirit trying to stop you.  Repeat the mantra until you can say it clearly.

Another Way to Remove a Low-Vibration Entity

Use this method if you can feel a low-vibration entity on you (sometimes you can feel it move around you, often in the form of pain):

Create through visualizatione a pool of God’s Divine Light and Love.  Ask the entity to go Light. 

If they do not leave, command them to go by saying, “If there are any entities within, on, or around me that are not of the highest Light and Love, I COMMAND YOU in the Name of All that is Holy and Pure to present yourself to me now.  You are not welcome here.” 

Wait about 30 seconds to give them time to present themselves, then say firmly, “If there are any entities on me that are not of the highest Light and Love, I COMMAND YOU in the Name of All that is Holy and Pure to move into my left arm now.  You are not welcome here.” 

Wait about 30 seconds to give them time to get their attention, then say, “If there are any entities within, on, or around me that are not of the highest Light and Love, I COMMAND YOU in the Name of All that is Holy and Pure to move into my left arm now.  You are not welcome here.” 

Wait about 30seconds to give them time to move to your left arm, then say, “If there are any entities within, on, or around me that are not of the highest Light and Love, I COMMAND YOU in the Name of All that is Holy and Pure to move into my left hand now.  You are not welcome here.” 

If there is an entity, you will feel their energy in your hand.  It may feel heavy, moist, tingly, whatever.  You will feel it.

Once you feel it in your hand, say again, “If there are any entities within, on, or around me that are not of the highest Light and Love, I COMMAND YOU in the Name of All that is Holy and Pure to move into this pool of God’s White Light and Divine Love.”

Shake them off into the pool of God’s Divine Love and Light, putting your hand into the Light as well. 

If they do not go, peel them off and put them into the Light.  Flood your body with golden white Light from your head to your feet.

You may have to repeat this procedure if you feel there are more entities on you.