The Path of the Heart

To walk the path of the heart takes great courage. Everyone has the choice to walk this path, but very few will choose to walk it.

Why? Because you can't act and behave like everyone else. 

To walk the path of the heart means being true to one's self. It means knowing who you are and what you want in life. 

To walk the path of the heart means looking at yourself to see where YOU need to change (not someone else). Everyone and everything in life is a mirror back to you.

To walk the path of the heart means being a positive influence in the lives of others. There is no greater feeling than to know you helped to make a difference in someone else's life. 

To walk the path of the heart is one of selfless service. It's easy to help family and friends, but how easy is it to help someone you don't know?

To walk the path of the heart means to have boundaries (with consequences), knowing what you will allow and won't allow in your life. Without boundaries, there can be no self-respect or self-worth. Without balance, there can be no harmony.

To walk the path of the heart means to learn forgiveness--for yourself and others. We learn through our mistakes. A child does not learn to walk without falling many times. We are not perfect; we are working on perfection.

To walk the path of the heart means taking time to pray and meditate every day, to stay connected to that part of God that resides within you. It means going within to find your answers.

To walk the path of the heart means to love everyone and everything in life unconditionally, for we are all connected. You can never hurt another without hurting yourself (karma).

Will you walk the path of the heart? Dare to be different!

Blessings on your journey!