Healing Services

The ONLY thing that heals is LOVE!

Healing takes self-discipline. One must be able to think outside the box to see and remember everything is possible if we just believe. Wholistic health refers to caring for the whole person—mind, body, emotions, and spirit. If someone is not ready to heal, healing cannot take place. Once a person is ready to heal, there are three steps to healing: acceptance, understanding, and releasing. All true healing is releasing. The body was designed to be “self” healing. At the root of every dis-ease is an emotion. Release the emotion causing the dis-ease so the body can heal itself.


White Dove Circle of Light and Love offers a variety of healing services from which to choose. Our practitioners are experienced and effective within their specific area of service, and they have the utmost intention to assist the individual in their healing. White Dove Circle believes that healing should be for everyone, not just for those who can afford it.

White Dove Wellness Clinic is open the first and third Tuesday of each month for those who would like to try energy healing for the first time. Give us a call at 937.806.3231 or e-mail info@whitedovecircle.com and explain your condition or situation so that we may align you with the right practitioner for your specific need. May Source/God bless you on your path to a better you!


Access Bars

Discover the magic of Access Bars and unlock mental and emotional blockages. This gentle hands-on modality, introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s, targets 32 unique points on the head that correspond to different areas and aspects of life. During a session, your practitioner will gently touch these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and decisions that no longer serve you. This process can facilitate profound changes in all areas of your life, including health, relationships, career, happiness, and abundance. Relax while gentle hand placements on the head release limitations and create space for new possibilities.

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Amethyst Biomat w/Amethyst-Black Tourmaline Pillow

The BioMat is an FDA registered medical device for pain and stress. The BioMat combines Far Infrared Light and Negative Ion Technology with the healing power of Amethyst Crystals. Benefits: relieves pain and joint stiffness; increases blood circulation; reduces stress and fatigue; reduces inflammation and allergy symptoms; Eliminates toxins in the body; and boosts energy, vitality and immune system function.

Amethyst Crystals are one of the greatest natural conductors of energy, have phenomenal healing ability and support the nervous system. Far Infrared Light is the most beneficial light wave that reduces swelling, increases blood flow and penetrates 6-8 inches of the innermost recesses of the body, stimulating healing and regeneration of nerves and muscle tissue layers. Negative Ions are nature's energizer which delivers a molecular level massage, accelerating deep healing and cleansing while balancing pH by decreasing acidity. Altogether, this makes for one powerful healing!


Aromatherapy / Essential Oils

Aromatherapy has been found to be effective in relieving nausea, pain, and stress. The use and blending of undiluted, pure essential oils extracted from specific aromatic plants in order to promote healing. The use of aromatherapy has been around for at least 6,000 years and been practiced by the Greeks, Romans, and ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian god of medicine and teacher of Hippocrates, Imhotep, recommended fragrant oils for bathing, massage, and for embalming their dead. Imhotep used aromatic fumigations to rid Athens of the plague. More recently, in World War II, doctors on the battlefield would use aromatherapy and herbal remedies as antiseptics on wounds. While most essential oils are effective, some are not meant for consistent use. All oils have some therapeutic value, some more than others. Be sure the oils you use are of a premium grade to ensure no heavy concentrate of herbicides are present within the product.


Community Drumming Circle

Experience the healing power of the drum!  A drumming circle is a group of people who come together in a circle to create and share a profound experience in rhythm and harmony.  No experience is necessary.  Handheld drums, Djembe drums, and rattles are used.  Bring your own if you have them! The steady beat of the drum is used as a "lifeline" to find your way back to the world of ordinary consciousness. In order to fully appreciate and understand a drumming circle, one must experience it! Drumming circles take place across the country, attracting all ages, walks of life, and experience levels. The beat of the drum is the heartbeat of the soul. We join together as one through the rhythm of the drum beat. Anyone who has experienced a drumming circle knows the transformative effect of rhythm. It moves and inspires. Drumming helps to connect on a deep, rhythmic level. Drumming is also an excellent tool that promotes health and well-being. It has been scientifically proven that group drumming can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, among other health benefits. Drumming allows one to experience group success while still being an individual.

INSPIRING DRUMMING QUOTES: "Where I come from we say that rhythm is the soul of life, because the whole universe revolves around rhythm, and when we get out of rhythm, that’s when we get into trouble.” - Babatunde Olatunji | "Music creates order out of chaos: for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous” - Yehudi Menuhin

Biological Benefits of Drumming: Remo's Health Rhythms Department is on the forefront of establishing a solid foundation for proving the biological benefits of drumming. Neurologist Barry Bittman, M.D. and his renowned research team discovered that a specific group drumming approach (HealthRHYTHMS protocol) significantly increased the disease fighting activity of circulating white blood cells (Natural Killer cells) that seek out and destroy cancer cells and virally-infected cells. Along with conventional medical strategies, Dr. Bittman includes HealthRHYTHMS group drumming in all of his disease-based programs at the Mind-Body Wellness Center in Pennsylvania. HealthRHYTHMS is a research-based group drumming program which is used in hospitals, schools, support groups, community outreach, and more. Research has shown this protocol can help strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and burnout rates, improve mood states, and promote creativity and bonding.


Crystal Reading Board

Crystals are used to determine the root which is causing dis-ease in one's life. Each crystal represents a word. The words are put together to tell the story. Once the root is understood, changes can be made within to bring about a more peaceful, harmonious life.


Crystal Surgery

Crystal surgery is a method for operating directly on the energy field and the energy body in such a way that through systematic, direct changes in these two systems, indirect changes are stimulated in the physical body. Crystal surgery can be used to clear negative energy, slow down/balance brain waves due to stress, release inflammation, relieve congestion caused by colds/sinus/flu, loosen joints to relieve pain, unbind the heart, heal past-life wounds, tissue regeneration, and much more. Avoid cupping if you have: cancer, organ failure, hemophilia or other blood clotting disease, a pacemaker, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, or an infection. You should also avoid cupping if you're pregnant, menstruating, elderly, under 18, or taking a blood thinner.


Cupping with Red Light Therapy

Cupping dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures where it was used to treat fever, pain, vertigo, menstrual problems, and other ailments. Many Americans first became aware of it after seeing purplish circles on the body of swimmer Michael Phelps during the 2016 Olympics. Cupping helps reduce pain relief, knots, aches, and muscle soreness. It can help improve circulation, tighten skin, and reduce the appearance of cellulite as well as scar tissue in targeted areas. Suction cupping promotes circulation while drawing toxins to the skin and relieving your body of inflammation.


Ear Candling

A buildup of earwax can cause occasional discomfort and can sometimes interfere with hearing. Ear candling can soften and suck out earwax and impurities from the ear. As the candle burns, it creates a low-level suction force that pulls wax and debris out of your ear.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT is a quick and easy technique to eliminate disturbances in the energy field that cause emotional distress. By tapping the fingers on a series of acupuncture treatment points, along with simple verbal and eye-movement activity, healing can be restored to a wide range of emotional, health, and performance issues. EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping) is a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. Even for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions, it is common knowledge that any kind of emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the human body. The EFT premise also includes the understanding that the more unresolved emotional issues you can clear, the more peace and emotional freedom you will have in your life. While related to acupuncture, EFT does not use needles.  Instead, we use a simple two pronged process wherein we (1) mentally "tune in" to specific issues while (2) stimulating certain meridian points on the body by tapping on them with our fingertips. Properly done, EFT appears to balance disturbances in the meridian system and thus often reduces the conventional therapy procedures from months or years down to minutes or hours. The basic Tapping process is easy to learn, can be done anywhere, and can be used to provide impressive do-it-yourself results.


Emotional Release

At the root of every dis-ease in the body is an emotion. For true healing to take place, the stored traumas from present and past lives must be released. These trapped emotions can have an affect on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and will keep you in patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartache. Release these stored emotions to be free of the past and to be truly healed.


Gong Bath

Gongs were designed to calm the mind. The gong’s tones have a connection to dopamine and the electrical impulses that are sent from them to the entire human body. These tones are able to send out lower vibrational energy that should not be in certain areas of the human body. Because gongs are suspended, their sound and vibration can go into all areas without any obstruction from the ground. The tones and sounds of gongs have healing effects on the endocrine system. The resonance of the gong helps shift the molecular structure of the room and those in it by setting up layers of vibrations in the air that resound through our emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual bodies. The vibrations emanating from the gong move through all of the tissues and organs in the body, releasing blockages, restoring homeostasis, and creating a profound sense of peace and relaxation, bringing about balance and inner harmony.


Grief and Loss Coaching

Death is not an ending; it is a beginning. As we come into life, we cry because we know life will not be easy. When we decide to go Home at the end of life, we cry because we will miss our loved ones. Death can be difficult to understand when one is not on the spiritual path. What we fear most is the unknown—what comes next for the dying person? for us? Once our chart has been completed and we have finished everything we wanted to do, we go Home. Death is always the soul’s choice, never God’s. This is especially hard to understand when someone close to us has chosen to go Home unexpectedly. We have not been taught that the life they chose was for their soul growth!

Death is not an ending. It is the beginning of a new way of living for everyone involved. The grieving process takes time. It allows us to experience every occasion without our loved one. Grieving for longer than one year is not natural and can hinder your loved one’s next life experience. Letting a loved one go when it is time will not only help you with your healing, it will help your loved one in their next life, too.



Hypno-Healing is a trance-like state of elevated awareness where one can experience focused attention and heightened suggestibility that can help manifest our heart’s desires. It is a simple, yet powerful process to eliminate negativity, release old limiting beliefs and replace them with solid, powerful beliefs. Hypnosis has been proven to have many benefits, especially in the reduction of chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. It has been used to help people who desire changes in behavior, such as stop smoking, lose weight, memory recall, and release addictive behaviors. It has even been found to be beneficial in helping people to release self-sabotaging behaviors that keep us from achieving success by reinforcing the belief that we are confident, creative, magnetic, wealthy, and deserving of all good things in life.


Infrared Sauna

People have been using saunas for centuries. There are no reports of negative effects so far, beyond the cautions about any sauna experience. These may include the possibilities of overheating, dehydrating, and interference with medication, as well as the potential dangers for those who are pregnant, have heart disease, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)

IET works with a team of angels to help clear cellular memory where we store our issues in our tissues that can negatively affect our life. It will also clear harmful energy blocks. IET releases the imprint causing the block, then fills the affected area with Divine light and love.


Ionic Foot Detoxification

The purpose of this type of foot bath detoxification process is to cleanse your body.  Ions generated by the ion cleanse appear to travel through the body, attaching themselves to many different toxic substances, neutralizing them, and drawing them out through the feet.  The toxic substances ionic foot cleansing removes are a result of a poor diet and high stress.  A body tends to accumulate these toxins over time, weighing us down and causing emotional and physical problems.  Ionic foot cleansing is said to be essential in order to maintain health and high energy levels, avoiding disease, and providing long-term wellness.  The Ionic foot cleanse is practical for most people because there is no preparation of special meals, no disruption in routine, and no discipline required unlike many herbal or fasting remedies commonly used to achieve the same goal of detoxification and cleansing of the body.  You can just sit back and relax as you soak your feet and let your body detoxify.


Life Coaching / Wellness Advocacy

A life coach / wellness advocate can give you keys to maintain self-empowered wholeness so your mind can feel peacefully directed. By removing emotional, mental and spiritual obstacles energetically, you can connect into greater self-confidence with your inner source of well being, your Love. Raising your vibration is the key to success but it is a process to learn how to master. You will learn to navigate your life consciously with flow and ease. You can know what it is like to feel supported in the flow of the universe, connected to the Source of all that is, in love and acceptance of who you are unconditionally, to start feeling more joy and create a better life, flowing free of past impingements.


Oracle Card Readings

Ask your angels what you would like to know. Receive the guidance you are looking for. Are you looking for answers to a question or want to make some sense or meaning from a situation? Angel messages or an oracle card reading can help!


Past-Life Regression

Past-life regression (PLR) is the journeying into one's past lives while in an altered state to help a person to view experiences from past lives. Past life regression may help us learn about factors in relationships that are affecting us today or about health problems that seem to have no basis in this life. The goal of past life regression is to allow us an understanding of the soul's memory in order to release, forgive, and grow spiritually. At any given time, you are the sum total of all your past lives. You are the beautiful soul you are today as a result of all your past lives. Explore a past life to better understand dis-ease or situations taking place in your life today. Almost everyone can view a past life. The only limitations are that of the imagination.


Pressure Point Therapy with Reiki

Pressure Point Therapy is similar to acupuncture. By touching specific meridian points of the body, a healthy flow of energy can begin to run throughout the body to release blocked, stagnant energy. Pressure Point Therapy with Reiki has been known to release health concerns from insomnia, sciatica, stress relief, headaches, menstrual cramps, and much more. It has also been known to help release pain and nausea and vomiting (especially for morning sickness during childbirth and after chemotherapy).

Quantum Healing

Quantum Healing is similar to Reiki healing. The main difference is breathwork is incorporated in a session. Quantum healing is done or completed on a subatomic level. It is frequency driven and wave motivated. Quantum Touch assists the body in rebalancing, recreating, and reorganizing cells and energies within itself. Quantum Healing also assists all areas within the 32-layers of the human aura. During Quantum Healing, one can move atomic and subatomic matter within and if necessary, out of the human body.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT)

QHHT® is a powerful technique developed by Dolores Cannon in which an individual is induced to the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. Past lives are explored to gain a better understanding of the effect they have in the current life. Before the healing session is over, the Subconscious mind will answer questions the client may have regarding real life issues. Healing can also take place if the individual desires to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of the current life. The Subconscious mind is a name Dolores gave to what others call the Higher Self or Consciousness. Anything is possible! The only limitations are that of the imagination. Release and better understand the past to heal to the present.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) using a Surrogate

Have you hesitated doing a past-life regression because you're afraid you can't go under? No worry! White Dove Circle has several surrogates who can go under on your behalf to get the insight into what is taking place in your life, why, and how to move through it. Schedule an appointment, then bring your questions with you. Healing also takes place during a session. It's an awesome experience and so insightful! Heal the past to bring healing to the present. Learn more about you, who you once were, why you are here now, and what is in store for you moving forward.


Quantum Light Streaming

Quantum Light Streaming is a method of natural healing that works with the life force energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. It is an effective method for reducing back pain, realigning structure, balancing organs, glands, and systems; reducing muscle aches and healing injuries, burns, and more. It can also release emotional behavior patterns no longer desired. 


Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed

The Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed melds science and spirit in gentle and effective ways that shift us from the old paradigms to new ways of being.

Bio-resonance Field: Our bodies are receivers and interpreters of vibrations. We have various organs that are designed to receive different types of vibrations. The eyes receive light, the ears sound, the hair touch or pressure, the skin temperature, the nose smell, the heart receives magnetic and multidimensional energy. If our eyes were readjusted so they could see what we hear, then the “sound” would have color. The same holds true for the other sensors our bodies have. The sensory systems are designed to give us a broad spectrum of information through various mediums so we can use our bodies effectively. At any given moment, the human body can instantly report what is happening around us and in us. When our bodies are performing sub optimally, they can sometimes be overwhelmed with vibrations that are not the highest. Moreover, when we use a self-limiting belief, then that will affect what we do with the vibrations in our field.

Vibration-based Therapy: The crystal bed can create specific vibrations through light, sound, magnetics, etc. and do so in a way that relaxes the client and allows the intentions to flow. The special binaural beats created through the headphones will turn off the brain and stop the self-limiting beliefs for the time on the system. The vibrations generated throughout the massage table are carried into every cell in the body allowing for the cells to feel the same resonance. Specific frequencies are being generated through the crystal holders and the crystals are sending that information into the subtle energy body. Inside these holders is magnetic as well as light information. Because we are adjusting and resetting so many of the bodies information systems, we can then have amazing results. Homeostasis and wellbeing can occur in the body and allow the natural organic flow of energy and information to infuse the cells and subtle bodies of the client.

The great feeling aftereffects of the system typically last for days. When a client can use the system in a repetitive fashion (twice a week) for four to six weeks, they will find lasting results. The reason for this is the replication of cells. As the cells in the body wear out and are replaced by new cells, they use the frequencies available for coding and information. When the cells have a consistently high vibration to work with, then they will replicate with those frequencies in place.


Reflexology has been practiced for centuries. Pressure is applied to different points on the bottom of the feet (acupressure). According to Chinese medicine, there are different meridian points on the feet that correspond to different areas of the body. Studies have proven it can help with stress and relaxation, pain management, digestion, eye strain, and improved sleep. it can also be beneficial for diabetes.



A Traditional Usui Reiki treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. Reiki heals as it flows through affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are connected. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. Reiki is considered to be a system of enlightenment and a “hands on” healing art.  The Japanese translation of Reiki is "Universal Life Force." 

This 2,500-year-old Japanese healing art was rediscovered by Dr. Miko Usui in 1922. With Reiki, it is the power of love and universal life energy of the universe rather than our own energy that is being utilized. By simply placing our hands on ourselves or another, universal energy flows wherever it is most needed, thus restoring the body, mind, and spirit to its balanced state of wellness. Reiki is said to be beneficial for treating physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental dis-eases.

Sacred Flames Reiki

Sacred Flames Reiki combines aspects of color therapy, creative visualization, traditional Usui Reiki, and candle work. It is a set of guided visualizations and meditations designed to help the body, mind, and spirit heal themselves, and/to maintain good balance within the systems of the body, both physically and energetically. Sacred Flames Reiki works with the gifts that fire bestows on us in the metaphysical sense.

Salt Cave Therapy

Salt naturally has detoxifying, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to the loosening of excessive mucus and improving the immune system. The healing properties of salt have been known through the ages, from the Dead Sea to the Himalayan salt mines. Even Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed salt water for breathing ailments.

Salt therapy has been found to positively impact three primary health areas centering around the respiratory system, skin issues, and mental health concerns. The treatment is simple: sit, relax, and breathe. Salt therapy has been found to have a positive effect on:

  • ·        respiratory issues such as colds, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, hay fever, rhinitis, sinusitis, smoking damage, and snoring

  • ·        skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis

  • ·        mental health issues such as stress and anxiety, depression, insomnia, postpartum blues, Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  • ·        other issues such as Lyme disease

Salt crystals are an ideal source of negative ions. Negative ions are oxygen atoms charged with an extra electron. They are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments (near waterfalls, at the beach). Spending time in a Salt Cave is like spending time at the beach!

SCIO/QXCI Biofeedback Machine

QXCI = Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface or “Quantum Med System”
SCIO = Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System

Using the QXCI/SCIO Biofeedback System has helped to resolve problems like Cancer, Parkinson’s, infections, fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses… just to name a few. The following paragraphs contain a description and technical information on the QXCI/SCIO BioFeedback System, excerpted from various information resources:

The QXCI/SCIO is marketed as a complete diagnostic and treatment system. After assessment of “electrical parameters” the QXCI/SCIO then transmits therapy signals via a harness to the body. The QXCI/SCIO sends low levels of current into the patient and then in a method theoretically similar to radar, reads the bounced signals and transfers them to a database. The QXCI/SCIO database consists of several thousand diagnostic categories from various medical disciplines and other mystical data, including traditional medical, homeopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture, astrology and prayer wells, all of which can be transmitted by the QXCI/SCIO for therapeutic benefit.

The QXCI/SCIO System is a computer operated energetic medicine interface that is so sophisticated most of its functions are automatic. The autofocus system is self-correcting and self-adjusting. The system can make corrections at speeds of one hundredth of a second.

There are over two hundred and fifty separate functions, some having over three hundred variable choices. All together there are millions of variable therapy and diagnostic choices. The trivector system measures the voltage, amperage, resistance, frequencies, etc. to calculate the inductance, capacitance, resonance and conductance of the reactive system of the body over time. Thus we can calculate and model the mind-body connection from these multi-dimensional factors. The quantic nature of the biological system allows for the interface of the digital computer.

By adapting the work of Becker, Priori, Beardall and others, Professor Bill Nelson has developed a computerized system that can develop a tiny DC potential multi-signal to time reverse cells, using techniques such as differentiation and redifferentiation into a massive set of multi signal fractals. The non-linear analysis can then develop multi-signals for deep tissue interface. This can be used to stimulate immune function, destroy pathogens, detoxify free radicals and others. The QXCI/SCIO is an energetic medical device that can be used for anti-aging, disease reversal, cancer therapy, rejuvenation and a host of other auto-focusing therapies.

The scientific theories behind this device are contained in the 1250 pages of the PROMORPHEUS, written in 1982. The QXCI device has had over 300 research articles written on it, many published in peer reviewed medical journals. The QXCI device has been taught in medical schools since 1995, therefore the history behind this exciting technology is substantial and no longer merely experimental.

We need to build responsibility in the patient for his/her own present, past and future behaviour. Behavioural medicine must be involved in basic medicine. Acupuncture must be involved in basic medicine. Nerve energy flow must be involved in basic medicine. Nutrition must be involved in basic medicine. HOMOTOXICOLOGY must be involved in basic medicine. Awareness and biofeedback must be involved in basic medicine.

True medicine should be holistic medicine. Medicine is based in responsibility. Separation from a cause of disease is the responsibility of the diseased patient. If there is a cause of disease in your environment you can choose to change or reduce the cause, move to a new environment, or accept the conditions. Responsibility for healing is with the patient.

Many of the causes of disease that afflict us are beneath our conscious awareness. Our unconscious is much more aware of the disease-causing factors that come at us. Our unconscious reacts with subtle energetic changes in electrical bodies. The QXCI/SCIO device is the first energetic medicine device to test reactions where the patient and doctor both do not know what is being tested. Thus the unconscious of the patient causes the reactions. The reactions are not picked up by the computer, and not picked up by the unconscious of the doctor as with point probes or kinesiology. Rather, the results are picked up by the unconscious of the patient. So in the QXCI we have a device that can make us aware of the unconscious of the patient. Some patients are more aware of their unconscious. These patients are likely to feel the QXCI/SCIO device and recognize the reaction patterns more easily. Others will take more time, but after several sessions they will become more aware of their unconscious and feel the effects more.

Disclaimer: This device is designed for use as Biofeedback and TENS. The definition of Biofeedback is ‘measuring a physiological response and feeding it back to the patient’. TENS is Transcutaneous (on the skin) Electro Nerval Stimulation. This system measures evoked potential reactions of the patient to applied stimulations. This is evoked potential Biofeedback. This device catalogs and tabulates the complex evoked potential Electro Physiological Reactions of your patient. This is the EPR pattern. The accuracy of the EPR pattern is limited and as such the results cannot be treated as completely diagnostic. This device is not diagnostic, the readings are meant as prediagnostic. The doctor or practitioner should then use this data wisely and challenge the results with more standard medical measures, some of which are found in the disease dictionary. This device is safe and is of no risk to your patient. The potential benefits are quite amazing.

Source of information: http://healingacademy.com/qxci/


Soul Connecting / Toning

Soul Connecting is a method to release negative emotions (i.e., pain, sorrow, anger, rage, sadness, grieving, etc.) stored within the emotional body from current and past incarnations, emotions we do not realize are held deep within us. Soul Connecting creates an opportunity for blocked emotions to be released, going back to the root wherever they started. Once released, a definite shift in well-being is experienced, bringing more peace into one's life. Channeled Toning, a form of sound healing, is then used to break up negative energy blocks and to restore peace, balance, and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.


Sound Baths

When a person's healthy resonant frequency is out of balance, physical and emotional health is affected. Science has proven energy is made up of vibration and frequency. Sound is heard not only in the ears, but in every cell of our body. Sound healing is based on scientific principles. All matter (including the cells of your body) vibrate to a specific frequency when healthy and a dissonant frequency when dis-ease is present. Rhythms and tones has been proven to balance brain hemispheres, thereby reducing stress levels and tension in cells that have fallen into dis-ease or dis-harmony. Even bones and organs feel the tone and intensity of sounds and react accordingly. Crystal bowls used during healing and meditation can balance dissonant frequencies and bring them back into harmony. Advocates maintain that sound therapy is effective in treating such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, and autism. 

Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)

Originated by Tapas Fleming, licensed acupuncturist, TAT is a form of healing that employs the positioning of hands on the forehead and back of the neck to clear trauma and other negative emotional experiences. TAT is a way of saying to your whole body-mind:  “Have another look at this.” It is an opportunity to change, based on taking a new look, rather than continuing to look away. By taking another look, within the context of TAT’s direction of the body’s energy flow, the charge that is still being held is removed from the past event and the event can now be integrated into your whole system. What has that charge been? It’s traumatic stress which is simply the stress to your system of continually trying to hold off a trauma. That event really did happen. Working to deny its existence or hold it away from you is stressful. Traumatic stress ends when trauma is no longer resisted. TAT reunites a person with parts of himself or herself that have been locked away or frozen in time. There are many ways to describe the results of TAT. Integration, harmony, peace, unity, connectedness, relatedness, oneness, and wholeness are a few of the terms people have used to express how they feel after doing TAT.


Timeline Healing

Timeline healing is a unique healing modality. It’s designed to help people complete Earthly karma, retrieve soul fragments, and heal etheric imprints from past traumas. It is based on the premise that everything exists in the Now moment – all dimensions of space and time. What we refer to as past lives are really simultaneous parallel incarnations. The past and the future can be accessed from the present moment, with a little bit of relaxing and guidance. In timeline healing, we view situations in the past that burden us from the perspective of the Higher Self. This vantage point allows us to clear negative imprints, understand life lessons, heal and forgive so that we can truly be free.


Tuning Forks

Tuning forks are a form of sound therapy. They are very precise instruments for producing sounds at a given frequency. Weighted tuning forks can be used on meridian points to produce effective results. The human body functions harmonically. The frequencies of breathing, blood circulation, the pulse, and all the activities associated with them are intended to function in harmonic balance. Since sound affects us at both the conscious and unconscious levels it has the effect of counterbalancing the physical and emotional states of the body and the mind. By using sound, the internal and external can be brought back into harmony and flexibility.

Tuning forks create resonance throughout the fourfold being. Strike a tuning fork and the tines begin to vibrate. The back-and-forth vibration of the tines produce disturbances of surrounding air molecules and energetic blocks in the energy field and energy body. They can create deep levels of healing by bringing your energy body and energy field back to its fundamental Hz or resonance, reconnecting you to the flow of life.

Sound healing therapies have been proven to equalize brain waves, increase the depth of breathing, slow the heart-beat and pulse, lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, increase circulation and endorphin production, boost the immune system, improve memory and learning, increase endurance and productivity, strengthen digestion and decrease depression.


Whole Body Tune-Up

There's a difference between feeling better and living better. Do you have a kink in your neck that you can't get rid of? Does your body feel a little stiff and rigid? A Whole Body Tune-Up can help you to feel better from head to toe! A Whole Body Tune-Up can help to lessen muscle tightness, increase relaxation, and add to the feeling of wellness. Pamper yourself! Enjoy a personalized session to help your body work better so you can live better.



Yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years. There are many types of yoga. Each form uses a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation to invoke harmony, health, and balance. Yoga strengthens the body, increases stamina and physical well-being, and is beneficial for certain conditions such as heart dis-ease/hypertension, asthma, and back problems.