
White Dove Circle of Light and Love, dba White Dove Wellness Center, does not make claims to heal anyone, nor do we claim the products we sell heal anyone. We believe the only one who heals is the person him or herself when they are ready. We only share testimonials to show healing is possible when one is ready and does the inner work to release the root cause.

Allow us assist you on your healing journey. Come share your heart with us! 

“As I wrap up loose ends of 2024 and prepare for 2025, I am making a list of all that I have accomplished in 2024 that I am grateful for. As I began making my list, it just kept getting longer and longer. I want you to know how grateful I am to have experienced your mentorship. I have learned so much more about what excites me. There is no doubt in my mind that I am on the path that my Soul planned for me. It's like I cannot get enough of learning new things (all things related to spirit). You are an amazing teacher, healer and mentor. It was no accident that our paths crossed. I will forever be grateful for you.” ~ P.C., Cincinnati, OH

“As someone who is on a spiritual path seeking to heal that which has accumulated in my life that no longer serves me and needs to be healed and released - not only from this lifetime but also from that which has been unconsciously carried over from ‘past lives’- I was looking for something or someone that could take me to that ‘next level’ of spiritual healing. After a Soul Healing and a QXCI biofeedback session with Pat, it was time to enroll in White Dove Circle’s ‘Life Coach and Wellness Advocate program’. I was interested in finding out how else I can help myself on my journey. The course itself was nothing short of amazing. Pat has designed the course to touch upon many topics in life and how one can utilize various modalities as well as one’s own intuition to not only heal oneself but help others heal themselves as well. It is a combination of spiritual knowledge, understanding energies, vibrations, karma, identifying root causes of behaviors as to then know how to release such. This coupled with various holistic modalities and information of the body, one’s symptoms and how to help self/others heal from such stored emotions in order to achieve ultimate health and learning to enjoy life in the present moment. I will be using the information I have learned from this course to continue to better myself and heal so that I can enjoy a more abundant and happy life. I highly recommend you incorporate the services offered through White Dove Circle to your spiritual journey for ultimate wellness and health. Pat is nothing less than an amazing, generous and very knowledgeable woman with your best intentions in mind. Don’t just read my testimonial – book a session or attend a course and be your own judge. Invest in yourself! Love and blessings to you all!” ~M ~

“Once again the Life Coach/Wellness Advocate course that COMPLETELY changed my life is starting back up! I can’t say enough about this class. I took it on Zoom almost 2 years ago now. I can’t even begin to put into words the change in my life and the amount of joy and peace I have regularly in my life now. Before this class, I was filled with anxiety on a regular basis and I couldn’t really handle much emotionally at all. The things I have gone through peacefully in the last couple years would have put me in the hospital before (similar things have) If you’re thinking about it and on the fence, JUST DO IT! You will not regret it.” ~ D.L., NJ

“WDC has helped me grow, understand, and overcome some of the challenges I was dealing with in life. Pat has opened my eyes up to seeing different perspectives and ways at viewing situations that I wouldn’t have thought about. I feel like a stronger version of me now, and I am growing in my spiritual journey at WDC.”

“Wonderful class/course. Informative. Life Altering. Eye Opening (personally).”

“This fast-paced class contains a lot of information on life coaching. This course has information for both beginners and current practitioners. Also, for learners who need a boost for their own journeys, this great course could be for you!”

“I loved this course. It contained a good balance of practical, spiritual, and wellness information. I would have liked to do more “hands on” session with the numerology and role-playing, but with all the information presented, I can understand the time constraints. I really learned a great deal. I thought the class was the perfect size. Thank you so much for letting me attend.”

“Sinus and allergies are in overdrive since coming back from Alabama. Been looking forward to this all day. If you haven’t been to the salt cave, you definitely need to try it. So many benefits…even if it’s just to relax for an hour!” B.G., Franklin, OH

“Truly touched with the additional time taken with my family prior to our salt session. As parents with a child with a terminal genetic disease we will definitely explore the benefits this business offers. Our salt session was private, calming, & relaxing.” ~ Jenn, Dayton, OH

Albert Einstein proved everything is energy. So why not heal energy with energy?

“My name is Annie, and I am 73 years old. I have lived most of my life without disease, except for type 2 diabetes. In May of 2022, I was diagnosed with CML Leukemia. In the beginning, I could not walk 20 feet. I had chairs throughout the yard. I was ready to check out!! My friend suggested I sign up for the crystal bed therapy at the White Dove Circle. It was for 5 weeks, twice a week for an hour each session, and it was a 45-minute drive each way to the Center. My first session on the Crystal Bed was November 17, 2022, and by December 16, 2022, my marker numbers were normal. After 3½ weeks of the Crystal Bed therapy, I had a life-changing dream. I was riding a chestnut-colored horse with the wind in my hair. It was so real I felt complete joy. I woke up and thought, “I feel healed!” It was amazing! The feeling did not go away. I had a doctor’s appointment soon after and told my doctor that I knew I was in remission and told him about the crystal bed. He did not baulk and said, “There is a lot we don’t know.” He said, “So let’s check.” Yep! I was in remission. I read the book. “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay, which my friend gave me. I read every page and did exactly what Louise Hay said, always chanting, “Thank you for my healing,” hundreds of times a day and always while on the crystal bed. I am still in remission 1½ years later. I am still on chemo pills for now and can recheck my numbers at 2 years, and I may be off meds for the rest of my life. Going to the White Dove Circle saved my life. But you must believe!” ~ A.K., OH

"I had touched base with Pat to let her know I had broken my heel and was waiting on a surgery date. In conversation she had mentioned coming to WDC to try out the Amethyst mat she had just got in. Since I couldn’t do Reiki on myself due to my break and not wanting the Reiki to heal the break without everything in place, I figured I had nothing to lose and it might help reduce the swelling so surgery could be done sooner rather than later! I mentioned bringing my husband down also as he had broke a rib 4 weeks prior and of course there is nothing that can be done for a broken rib! After 4 weeks he was still experiencing discomfort, pressure, and pain. Yes, together we were a hot mess!

"When we got there I had my husband go first and then I went next and we compared notes. The mat was like a full body heating pad with amethyst rods that went the whole length on both sides of the mat. We each had a 30 minute session where we rested on the heated mat on our back fully clothed on the massage table. We both noticed that at first our pain in the area we were both having issues with intensified for a short period of time and then was completely gone. I noticed an excessive amount of heat in the area of my foot even though the heat in the pad was consistent throughout indicating that like Reiki, the energy was going to the area that needed the healing the most! When I got up from the table and put the air cast boot back on my foot fit the boot so much better as if the swelling had gone down. I no longer was feeling discomfort and several days later I had my doctor appointment, and he was able to schedule the surgery because the swelling had gone down enough for him to operate.

"My husband walked out of WDC that day with no pain or discomfort and has not had any pain or discomfort since which was approximately 2 weeks ago! I highly recommend trying this healing modality out if you are in any pain or have chronic pain. We will definitely keep this in mind if we have any other issues. I look back on all the times our kids could have benefited from a session if it had been available. I am thankful it is available now at WDC!" ~ J.H., New Breman, OH

“My time on the amethyst mat was amazing! As soon as I laid on the mat, I could feel the energy through my entire body as my chakras leveled out, especially my heart chakra! When that calmed, I felt balanced, energized and focused. As the mat continued to work on my physical body through healing different areas, my mind was able to focus and receive messages from my higher self. I even had a portal window into the eye of a loved one. The healing aspects included long term pain in my left side, from shoulder to toe, due to a variety of different diagnosed and undiagnosed ailments. I continued to feel energy working in these areas. 

“The Jade Mask was a surprise. At first I felt the heaviness, but when I invited the healing, I felt my face relax. Then, I felt it relax again -- this repeated a few times to a point of complete relaxation of my jaw, forehead and other facial muscles. I would love to see how this would affect my wrinkles and puffy eyes over time! Be sure to add this to any service. 

“Overall, the time on the amethyst mat, with the Jade Mask, was extremely relaxing as well as healing on many levels. Adding it to any service would be beneficial and amplify any other treatment, and on it’s own, it is extremely powerful. Thank you for offering this.” C.S., Dayton, OH

“Thanks so much for all you do. I absolutely love White Dove and am so excited I found it!” T.B., Dayton, OH

“I severely sprained my knee when I was out walking. After three weeks of being unable to bend my knee, walking with a limp, wearing a knee brace, and suffering through severe pain, I had come to the conclusion that maybe it was more than a sprain, and was considering seeing a doctor and possibly undergoing knee surgery. Then I had the opportunity to experience the Amethyst BioMat offered at The White Dove. In less than 24 hours the pain was completely gone. I had full range of motion in my knee. I was able to bend, squat, walk up and down the stairs, all with absolutely NO PAIN!! I put the knee brace away! This BioMat is the real deal! What a blessing to be able to avoid the doctor and possible surgery! I highly recommend the Amethyst BioMat for any kind of pain and any level of pain being experienced.” S.R., Miamisburg, OH

“My whole family has gotten SCIOs before, including the dog! It really has helped many different things and it's really quite fascinating.” ~ D.L., NJ

“As a result of the two Covid vaccination shots (Pfizer) I had three years ago, my body went into a deep tailspin. My body was immediately overcome with severe irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) every morning. This continued for the past three years. Nothing I tried helped more than a day or two.

“Three weeks ago, I had one session on White Dove Wellness Center’s QXCI/SCIO biofeedback machine using the Leaky Gut protocol. (It was completely painless, and my clothes were on.) I also started using the John Ellis water sold at White Dove Wellness Center to help balance and stabilize my pH. My stomach has been just about back to normal for the past week!

“My plan is to have one more QXCI/SCIO session using the Leaky Gut protocol and continue taking the John Ellis water drops to keep my alkaline high. I am grateful to finally have peace within my stomach and within my world. Thank you, White Dove Wellness Center, for helping me to heal naturally.” ~ P.M., Dayton, OH


“Several years ago I had a major surgery that required a graft be taken from the underside of my forearm. Once the bandage was removed, I started applying White Dove Hand & Body Balm around and on the scar and graft area. I have been told by many doctors that they’ve never seen a graft that healed as nicely as mine. I believe using White Dove Hand & Body Balm attributed to that.” ~ R.B., Covington, OH

"Recently I was heating a bowl of soup in my microwave. As I removed it the hot bowl tipped. The boiling soup spilled all over the top of my hand, the stove below and the cabinet where I set it down. I immediately ran it under cold water to reduce the temperature. It was bright red and very painful. I put White Dove Circle’s Hand and Body Balm on it. The heat immediately melted the balm and I kept applying it. It worked like a miracle. The red color left my hand and it never blistered. Within an hour there was only a 2” area on one finger that had a burned area. In a week the old skin peeled off and you would never know that it had been burned. I had been told that the balm was good for burns but I did not expect it to heal a burn of this depth so quickly. I use it for dry skin and other problems but never would have expected such a fast recovery from a burn that would have disabled me without the use of my right hand for quite a while. Although tender, I used my hand all day. I truly recommend that you have some of this around for emergencies. It works miracles!" ~ B.M., Naperville, IL

“I think this balm is wonderful!!!” - T.B.

“This stuff is amazing! It can only be shipped in the winter too! Reach out to Pat to get some! I use it daily. I used to have such dry flaky skin I couldn’t wear foundation. The only moisturizer that worked was $90 a bottle, until I found this amazing stuff.” ~ D.L., NJ

“I use it twice a day as a great moisturizer! It is very healing on dry hands also.” ~ K.G., IN

"I was stung by a wasp today moving some bricks. I react very badly to wasp stings. In the few minutes it took me to go inside, the burning and swelling was the size of a blueberry. I washed my hand and applied your healing cream on the sting area. Within a few seconds the healing cream had turned to a liquid form, a minute later the stinging and burning was gone and 10 minutes later the swelling was gone. I can still see where I was stung but have no pain or swelling. I am so grateful to have your healing cream, it works better than anything I have ever tried. Thank you, I love you."  – L.G., IN

"Works on age spots, too. Plus joint pain. Not to mention wrinkles. I use it on sore feet, bruises & dry skin. Heck, I use it on everything! Love it. Smells wonderful."  – SLC, Brookville, OH

“I had the best night of sleep last night in months thanks to this blanket!! I’m so excited that my Healing blanket from White Dove Circle of Light and Love finally arrived. I had been planning on using it for my Reiki table, but it seems Nova and I need it more right now. Nova definitely senses the energy in the blanket too. I threw it on Tim’s shoulders and he said “Ooh it tingles!” (He can feel energy like that too when it’s super strong) I’ll have to get another for my Reiki table I highly recommend them. I was also very excited to get a restock of the balm I use on everything, especially my face. I slathered it on before work and someone asked what I was doing with my skin because it looked great. I’m almost 45! I’ve been using this cream for about 3 years. It is assisting my genetics for sure." ~D.L., NJ

“Tonight while getting my mail from the mailbox I was stung twice by a yellow jacket. My arm turned red and began to swell. I used your balm on the stings and the pain went away immediately. I am so happy I have it on hand. Just wanted to say thank you. I appreciate your healing offerings.” ~ A.B., Hanover, PA

“I love my blanket and sleep with it every night knowing I am protected and healing in the loving vibrational energy that is within it. Thank you, Pat!!” ~ Dayton, OH

“No doubt the best product you can buy uniquely at White Dove- everyone in my family has one….even our dog (don’t forget how much our pets absorb our emotions to protect us). Everyone can benefit from having a healing blanket. Grateful for you and my friends at “The Dove” Pat!” ~ B.G., Cincinnati, OH

“My life has really improved in so many ways since I’ve had my healing blankets.  I have four of my own and use them every day.  They are kept in different rooms of the house so that they are easily accessible to me.  The first healing blanket I got was from the first few that had the healing energy put in them, so it has been around for several years and it still works so well.  They all have been washed many times and still have the same incredible healing power.  You only need to use one at a time because they have such extra special soothing energy.  They have been used to heal my wrist and elbow problems, back issues, ankle and feet issues.  There have been times when I could hardly walk because of severe aches with my knees.  When I go to bed, I wrap these around whatever part of my body is hurting and I wake up so refreshed in the morning.  In fact, I never travel without a part of one of the special blankets.  I used scissors and cut off about a twelve inch by five foot strip from the end of one of my blankets and it easily fits into my luggage, which is so nice for when I am flying and can’t take many bags with me.  I can’t say enough about these miraculous blankets and how they and the White Dove Circle of Light and Love have changed my life.” My life has really improved in so many ways since I’ve had my healing blankets.  I have four of my own and use them every day.  They are kept in different rooms of the house so that they are easily accessible to me."   – D.G., New Lebanon, OH

"I have to say I love the healing blanket!  Not only is it super soft, but it works!  I was raking grass in our yard Saturday and was feeling sore all over.  While watching a movie that evening, I cuddled up in my blanket.  When we got up to go to bed, I felt great, no soreness, and I felt energized!"  – L.G., IN

“After another church group sent me a “healing blanket” which was the size of an oversized placemat in colors which actually sent me for my prescription meds.  I was genuinely skeptical of your online offer for help with your healing blanket.  It arrived late today.  I laundered it.  Then took my necklace pendant off and with my husband, a retired engineer as witness, used my pendant as a pendulum…like magic it began moving in ever widening circles (!).  I am a disabled RN. Fearing I was to the point in my pain control experience…four failure meds at the Pain Clinic…finally one with breakthrough pain meds and muscle relaxants..you name it…Neurontin to jump scar tissue synapses in the back muscles. Rev. Zimmerman, I will take my “vitamin” everyday. Thank you for making it affordable.  I hurt all over…even with Pain Clinic meds which keep me out of the ER with extreme pain. The doctor treating me said he is only “obliged” to cover 40$ of my pain. Perhaps God is intervening to cover the remaining 60%. Thank you for sharing your gift.  Thank you for caring.”   – L.S., Detroit, MI

Bridgett starting coming to WDC after a history of 8-12 seizures a day for about two years. After going to many hospitals and doctors for help, having had 6 brain operations and taking numerous pharmaceutical medications, nothing worked until now. Bridgett found immediate relief naturally after coming to White Dove Circle. Her seizures are now non-existent. Bridgett's life has changed drastically for the better, and she now believes energy healing is the only way to heal! For more information, visit www.whitedovecircle.com.


Miracles For Maddox

January 17, 2013 (FaceBook Testimonial)

Last month when we received the devastating news that Maddox was going to lose his right eye unless a miracle happened, I felt led to google "healing blanket".. I found a website called whitedovecircle.com that makes healing blankets and infuses them with loving, healing energy from God's angels. I've been using the blanket with Maddox all month; and the wonderful people from the white dove circle organization have been lifting Maddox up in prayer with us also. I'd also like to point out that the day after I received the blanket in the mail, my Mom said she heard a voice telling her "What you need to heal Maddox is in the red box." She told me about the message she had received, even though she had absolutely no clue what it meant. I instantly thought of the red box that the blanket was mailed in. (My mom had no clue about the blanket or the box at that time). So, I'm feeling pretty thankful to have been led to this amazing group of people, and to have the powerful healing energy from the blankets they make surrounding my son! If you or anyone you know is in need of any type of healing (physical, emotional or spiritual), you should contact Patricia Zimmerman through the whitedovecircle.com website. These blankets are magical! smile emoticon

[Maddox was diagnosed with eye cancer on 8/5/11. Dr's said he would be blind forever, but we had total faith in his healing. Maddox now SEES everything!]  – Miracles for Maddox (FaceBook page), V.B., VA

“White Dove Circle of Light and Love has been life changing for me! I have personally been working with Heather to heal from past traumatic experiences and my life has changed since meeting her. Heather is wonderful and so SO gifted. She has helped me to release trauma and baggage that I have been storing for a long time. My physical health and mental health has improved so much since working with her. I feel lighter and less burdened and “stuck.” The relationships in my life have improved as a result of her helping me to release certain things and untether myself from old wounds. She is a wonderful, kindhearted person who is truly gifted at what she does. I’ve also noticed a strong sense of community at White Dove Circle of Light and Love. They are genuinely focused on helping people and they do a wonderful job at it. I would highly recommend anyone looking for healing to visit. You certainly will not regret it!” ~ L.W., Dayton, OH

"Just a little thank you, Cathy [Feinauer], for everything. I feel more focused and ready to move on with life." ~ KW, Dayton, OH

"I received a past life regression from you last year. It had a big impact on me. As such, I wanted to purchase a past life regression as a gift for a friend of mine." ~ B.D., Dayton, OH

“I just have to rave about an energy healing session I received yesterday! It was a Quantum Healing w/ a Timeline Link Activation with Heather Bauer-Nilsen at White Dove Circle of Light and Love. I had been having issues for the last year or so and it’s amazing how they were all connected to this one place in my back! (even the issues with my eyes, digestion, and Achilles tendons.) I was also feeling stuck in life again. I have a vision but not quite sure what to do right now to get there. This got me unstuck and I have a renewed sense of confidence and fresh energy carrying me forward towards my goals. I also had this appointment over video since I do not live close by.” ~ D.L., NJ

"I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and session. I am feeling more clear and having some crazy dreams but feeling lighter. I just wrote my release letter and had my ceremony outside in the meadow. A favorite coyote was there watching me. I am feeling better. I have had so much sadness for so long, and I am ready for real love now. Thank you for everything." ~ J.M., Dayton, OH

“To all those I love: For over 6 years, I have been battling bilateral breast cancer naturally. It has been quite a journey. I had been given a devastating prognosis, listened to all kinds of advice, even warnings of my ruining my chances of survival by not following protocol. I listened to my higher self, and so far, I am still here. It may not be the chosen path for everyone with cancer, but I truly believe I would not still be here if I agreed to letting them "cut, burn, and poison" the cancer. I never stopped believing I could heal with the right plan! Everyone has to follow their own beliefs and their own path. My body is actually healing more every single day, with a little fine tuning and advice from this dedicated person, Pat. My blood work is that of a 17-year-old, and the one tumor I had left is shrinking. I believe in Miracles. This plan has assisted my body to Heal itself, given a little fine tuning. There is no actual CURE for CANCER. It is a HEALING. No one can do this for you. You have to do the work to make it happen. You have to BELIEVE, and keep focused, and know that you are worth it, and you are LOVED. ♡♡♡♡♡” ~ L.G., Estero, FL

"This is a feedback for an amazing Healer and you may think of her as a truly intuitive kind of 'Therapy for the soul and body.' "If you are looking for an answer to any negative pattern in your life--stress, anxiety, help with teenagers or just to expand your spiritual and emotional positive journey, visit White Dove Circle in Springboro, Ohio and ask for Heather Bauer-Nilsen or other astonishing people that provide services that can fix or alleviate the root cause of health and soul peace and balance. "Thankful for your services and Heather's help." ~ CYV, OH

“White Dove is one of the most healing and wonderful places I have ever stepped foot in. I live about 600 miles away, but I plan on returning many times in the future. The practitioners there have so many amazing gifts. I’ve had the chance to experience Reiki, the Salt Cave, Crystal Bowl Sound Healing, Soul Connecting, talks, and meditations. I also participate in some of their classes on Zoom occasionally. I can’t wait to experience more of the awesome services. Thank you, Pat, and all the other people there for making it the magical place that it is.” ~ D.L., NJ

"Thank you for the crystal bed healing session. Thank you, Heather Bauer-Nilsen, for managing the center. I felt guided and protected over the course of an hour's worth of healing. I could feel the stress leaving and the love healing. The binaural beats helped to keep my mind focused but relaxed. I plan on buying some sessions for my daughter as well. These are great for stress relief and refocusing the mind on healing. Thank you, Pat Zimmerman, for facilitating this powerful healing experience." ~ K.W., Dayton, OH

“What an honour and joy to be welcomed into the beautiful community of White Dove Circle of Love & Light! Thank you, dear Pat, for opening your doors and heart again and again in a world that sorely needs support in healing at all levels. I'm inspired by seeing both your work and your growth. Thank you for allowing me to share some of the ancient yet timeless Kanyini wisdom teachings and thank you dear Jim [Ruttkay] for your love and continued friendship. I carry with me a full heart from my time with you all and look forward to another reunion- hopefully not another 10 years!” ~ Barbara Schacht Randall, Australia

“Thank you so much for the powerful session. It was great to meet you! I will work on being the leader and not the protector.” ~ D.J., Oakland, CA

"Life has been so hard since birth. I became so used to pain and darkness, I didn't know that there is light and love. I didn't think I was worthy of anything good. I had to truly suffer and when it got so bad where I was ready to give up, is when I woke up. I still have my ups and downs but I have come a long way these past three years and feel more at peace with who I am. "I want to learn so much more about the unseen, how to can heal myself and help others on their journey. I will never forget the pain I had to endure, it is my reminder to give of myself to others so that they don't have to suffer like I did. I can look back now and accept my life, each experience and person has helped me become who I am today and I thank them, forgive and release them and myself. I know now we all play our 'roles' in this incarnation. "I have prayed so hard and asked the Universe to take my hand and light the path for me so that I can find myself in the midst of my darkness... and they sent me to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!” ~ M.D., N.C.

“I am one of Patricia’s clients. She is absolutely awesome. She is working with me, my husband and son. Learning so much from her.” ~ T.W., OH

“I also learned of more past life issues that had to be healed. Patricia Zimmerman helped me out so much with a Soul Connecting. It’s amazing how much different I feel after having pulled this stuff up so that I could deal with it and heal it. I highly recommend them. It’s a fairly quick process and it’s inexpensive.” ~ D.N.L., NJ

“I love going to White Dove Circle of Light and Love. Everyone is so welcoming and helpful. They are truly concerned about well being. They offer a variety of services. My kids and I love the salt cave. My daughter & I love the amethyst biomat as well. The gift shop is large and stocks a huge assortment of gift items, healing items, etc.” ~ A.SJ., OH

“I love you and our group! I’m behind you and so thankful I was divinely guided through Arla to meet and join this wonderful group.” ~ R.J., Cincinnati, OH

“I was telling someone about White Dove Circle and how it has changed my life over the last few years. I got carried away and spent almost 2 hours talking about all you do there!” - D.H., TN

“White Dove Wellness Center is a very welcoming respite from this sometimes crazy world! Pat Zimmerman, the founder and owner, has helped me stand upright without a cane through energy work, counseling, writing forgiveness letters to those who have hurt us, classes and her unwavering friendship. Spending 50 minutes in the Salt Cave is like escaping all your concerns & cares. I noticed the sinuses cleared, aches and pains were relieved. No pills needed! To say the least I love White Dove!” ~ Anonymous

“The center has interesting and intelligent classes for spiritual growth. Even though the founders of the center are Christian they are very welcoming to people of other religions. The vibe of place just pumps you by being there. I love the merchandise in the store too. I love the fact that the Wellness clinic gives you a chance to try the wellness techniques for free. It is a wonderful spiritual place.” ` L.R.S., Springboro, OH

“Such amazing accomplishments and amazing healers brought together for the better good of all! The sky is your limit and you will soar!” - L.G., Lowell, IN

WDC Timeline, 10th Anniversary Celebration, 2009-2019 - “2019-guided lost souls through love. This should be added!!! Probably since the beginning...so grateful for you all you've accomplished so much more than this!!!! ❤❤❤❤ “ - K.L. Miamisburg, OH

“God bless all of you for your caring and your love. You make our world a better place. Having a bad cold, I needed a lip moisturizer. I used Burt's Bees, but didn't see the Mango Butter ingredient and I'm allergic to Mango ! Instant allergic reaction with a rash! White Dove Circle Hand and Body Balm healed it in 2 days!! Love this product! Patricia Zimmerman, this is amazing! Love you, and love what you do for mankind!” ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ - L.G., Estero, FL

“White Dove is an absolutely wonderful place to be. I love each and every one of the people who come to be a part of it. They have helped so many people grow and learn and become better people physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. They are very welcoming so don't be afraid to contact them with questions. Patricia and all of the practitioners and teachers go above and beyond to help people. It's a wonderful community and family to be a part of.” - A.Z., Pulaski, PA

“Everything about the White Dove Center of Light and Love is wonderful. I have only been there once but Patricia Zimmerman is a Healer like no other. I hope you will come to her Center and share in the positive vibrations and healing. She is amazing!!! “ - A. S.C., Dayton, OH

"I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to see me! Even though all this stuff is new to me, it feels right and it clearly works. I am having the best day. I haven't used my cane but only a few times today and I feel great. Thanks again." - A.B., Huber Heights, OH

"Just wanted to let you know — thank you. This is the first time I have been able to sleep without being riddled with pain. Had a really, really good night!!!" - A.S.C., Fairborn, OH

“The kindness shown has really made a difference in my life.  You have touched my heart.  The gratitude I feel really can’t be put into words.  Thank you so much.”  – C.B., Chicago, IL

“It is hard to put into words the gratitude I feel and have to Pat Zimmerman and the community of White Dove Circle of Light and Love, as well as White Dove Wellness Center. My search for something more in life led me here.  I have had many wonderful teachers and healings along my journey, but from the very first class I attended in 2009 I knew this was where I belonged.  It felt like home.  From all the Spiritual classes to all the healings, my experiences have been phenomenal. The classes have helped me understand more about life and that everything we experience in our lives is a choice we have made ourselves, we are not victims of circumstance.  There have been lots of aha moments! My Spiritual growth and the wonderful healings I have experienced from many different modalities within the community have been exponential.  Through my growth I have gone from a student, acquaintance to a friend to a healer, teacher, ordained minister, and board member. This community has become my family in every sense of the word. I AM grateful to each and every one on my journey.  It is with deep gratitude, appreciation, humility, love and joy that I am a part of this community of loving, spiritual people. If you want to experience healing and spiritual growth that comes from the heart and soul this is the community for you. Thank you.” – K. B., Ft. Mitchell, KY

“Have really enjoyed studying and finally learning the truths of human and Universal existence as explained by the Ascended Masters and Divine Beings and being able to spread the truths to all my brothers and sisters.” – J. W., OM, Mason, OH

“The peace I feel whenever I leave after a day with White Dove Circle, I just wish I could keep that same feeling on an ongoing basis.” – L. S., Lima, OH

“The community of White Dove supports me in my evolution and my desire to become a better human and spiritual being.  It can be torture when you have to face yourself.  The community of White Dove is there when you look in those mirrors to remind you of how beautiful you truly are.” – E.M.L., Dayton, OH

“I like the sense of being myself and finding myself.” – T. S., Dayton, OH

“I love White Dove.  I can hardly wait for class each month to get re-energized of body, mind, spirit, and emotions.  To be with other people of like mind who make me feel like they are family.  I really love the monthly lessons and discussions.  I have grown so much.” – M. M. F., Xenia, OH

“After several personal losses, I came to know the community of White Dove Circle.  I have never felt such LOVE and understanding from anyone as I have from them.  Everyone beams with genuine LOVE and caring.  I have not had this many hugs, ever!!” – J. S., Casstown, OH

“The question that brought me to White Dove Circle was “Who am I…?” and “Why am I here…?”  I am now working on finding answers to these and many other important questions on my spiritual journey thanks to the members of White Dove Circle.  If you find you are seeking answers to many of life’s challenging questions, White Dove Circle is a great place to start.  The people here share their hearts with you in an open and loving environment, all while helping you to find answers to many of life’s important spiritual questions.  When the student is ready, the teacher will come.  My thanks to Pat Zimmerman, and all the other wonderfully loving individuals who make up White Dove Circle and White Dove Wellness Center.”  – B. T., Troy, OH

“Thank you for all you have done for me.  You’ve opened my mind and soul to avenues I’ve never imagined.  I can’t begin to explain the peace you’ve brought into my soul.  The outlook on life.  The lessons I’ve learned and need to learn.  My eyes you have opened.  Thank you from the bottom of my being!” – M. B., Chicago, IL

“Thank you so much for putting together the Table Talk class! I love the format. I didn’t even get to ask my questions and they were answered. I love how that happens.” ~ D.L., NJ