Retreats and Special Events
Join like-minded people in a peaceful, nurturing environment. Take time to reflect and renew, to grow and heal, to connect with your inner guidance, to be at peace and for self love.
Abundance and Prosperity Retreat
Imagine standing on the threshold of your ability to be abundant and prosperous, but you just can’t cross over. The only thing that stops us in life is fear. Well, here’s your chance to move past the fear! Money has been a source of pain and suffering through history. There is nothing wrong with being abundant and prosperous. Religions in Eastern and Western culture have considered money itself to be “the root of all evil,” but how many people realize the original wording was “the love of money is the root of all evil.” We create our world based on outdated beliefs and behaviors, put into action by the words we speak. It’s time we change this negative way of thinking for there are no victims in life, only co-creators of circumstances. Find the key to your financial freedom! Learn how to manage your money and enhance your wealth. Learn how to release outdated beliefs and behaviors. Learn the spiritual aspect to be financially free. Abundance and prosperity are our Divine birthright. It’s time to claim your prosperity and transmute poverty consciousness!
Health and Well-Being Retreat
Health is something you can pay for now and enjoy healthy, delicious, and nutritious foods, or you can pay it later in medical bills and an increased cost in health insurance. Until you look at your body as a long-term investment, you will not make the sacrifices necessary to attain the goal of good health. Learn how to take care of your mind, body, and spirit to achieve your full potential, to maintain good health and well-being. When a person is enjoying good health, the body's built-in defenses manifest as confidence and an outward harmony in dealing with everyday events. It bestows a greater ability to deal with stressful situations. A positive outlook on life will be gained. Your physical body is your temple; it houses your mind and soul. When you mis-use or abuse your temple, you suffer to balance the energy. How you take care of it is your responsibility.
Intuitive Development Retreat
This retreat is designed to help gain a better understanding of your own individual intuitive talents and how to use them to enhance your own personal growth and development. Learn how to access and trust your inner wisdom and improve your ability to tune into the spirit world. Meet the Claire’s and learn the difference between Meet your spirit guides and angels through shamanic journeying, communicate with trees, and more. Learn how to use pendulums, dowsing rods, tarot and oracle cards. Great for beginners who need direction and support, as well as the more advanced who may desire to fine tune their abilities.
Kids Kamp
Kids ages 7-14 are welcome to join us for summer kamp. Workshops include: jewelry-making, crystals, yoga, meditation, essential oils, painting, and more. Inspirational talk topics include: dealing with peer pressure, leadership, and more. Kamp size is limited.
Meditation Retreat
Meditate to find inner peace. Meditation is taking time to focus and center oneself, allowing the spinal cord and muscles to be worked on by the universe. Running, gardening, vacuuming, ironing, eating, dancing, walking, and sleeping can all be forms of meditation. Meditation allows the spiritual portion of your being to release. It allows you to look at past situations, behaviors, and actions to see things clearly. During meditation the heart rate and breathing slow down naturally, which slows down the blood flow of all the internal systems, including the brain. Meditation helps you to become more in tune with parts of your world and other worlds, planes of existence, and time frames. Meditation allows you to open up to endless new possibilities to living life. Meditation is easy … once you know how!
Self-Love Retreat
What is Self Love? Self Love is taking time for you (something we don't do often enough!). It means taking time to pray, meditate, exercise, and connect with your guides. It means taking time to live, love, laugh, and enjoy life! Included in this weekend retreat will be healing sessions, massages, meditation, movement exercises, an intuitive development class, a group past-life regression, information on nutrition, essential oils, and more.
Self-Awareness Retreat
When you have a good self-worth, you recognize that you no longer need to please other people and you no longer need their praise. You live a life based on truth. Your true value is not measured by your earnings, job, possessions, social status, relationship status, etc. Your true value comes from an internal measure that you set for yourself. It is from here your true power takes form. Learn more about you and the beautiful soul that you are through self-awareness. To have self-worth, one must first have a good self-esteem, along with self-respect and self-confidence. You will never understand the world around you until you understand the world within. Spend time learning more about you at the Self-Awareness Retreat. Learn how powerful our belief systems are and the difference between happiness and pleasure. Learn how to live life with ease and grace!
Self-Empowerment Retreat
We are all spirits having a human experience. Learn about the spirit body and the relationship of the mind, body, and spirit. Learn how to change your world and how to manifest a world of abundance and prosperity. Learn how to bring about change within you and within your world. Learn what true healing is and how to listen to your body. Learn what power is and how to stand in your power. Everything in your world begins and ends with you. Empower yourself!
Silent Retreat
Most of us are good at talking, but how many of us are good at listening? How well do we listen to others? How well do we listen to our inner guidance? This retreat is designed to allow us to take time to listen. If we do not listen, we cannot know. If we do not know, we cannot grow. Join us as we go within to explore the inner self. Take time to breathe. Take time to find peace within. Take time to be! The day begins with yoga and meditation, followed by introspection in nature and reflection by the water. Learn how to love yourself and to find your inner peace. End the day with a crystal bowl healing meditation to leave in peace. Love yourself by spending time with you!
Super Soul Saturday
The spiritual path is one of getting in touch with the true self, who you really are. Walking the spiritual path brings harmony and balance to life. It nourishes and feeds our true self. The spiritual path is a journey back to love. Take time for you to experience a new healing service, learn a more about what true healing is and how to achieve it, the Importance of maintaining a high vibration. , numerology, dowsing, and how life is a mirror. Learn how to meditate and go on a Shamanic Journey. End the day with a Crystal Bowl healing. Everything in life is symbolic so that you can see what is really going on within you; therefore, “self wealth” equals “self worth.” The more you value yourself and take time for you, the more your worth will be reflected in your finances. The time for change is now!
Special Events include:
A Taste of Healing
A 10-day healing event to raise public awareness of wholistic healing. Come sample the various healing services of White Dove Circle's experienced and effective healing practitioners. Raffle prizes. Visit White Dove Circle's Gift Shop where items can be purchased that facilitate and support good health and well-being. Reservations are recommended! Walk-ins are welcome, but time with your practitioner of choice can only be guaranteed if you sign up ahead of time.
Holiday Celebration
This annual dinner is a joyous time when the Community of White Dove comes together in celebration and gratitude for the many blessings of Creator. It is a very special time of sharing, with plenty of great food, love, and laughter.
Nature Walk / Meditation
Spring is the time to meet at the beautiful Cox Arboretum in Dayton. See flowers like tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils in full bloom in the bulb display located in the Edible Landscape Garden and other locations throughout the park. This beautiful 189-acre facility is a special place to meditate among trees, shrubs, specialty gardens, mature forests, and prairies.
Native American Flute Concert with Douglas Blue Feather
Douglas Blue Feather is an internationally known recording artist and performer of music featuring the Native American flute. Recognized as one of the most accomplished flutists of today, he has released 18 CDs which have been heard on radio stations and TV music channels worldwide including Pandora, Soundscape, Sirius,, and
As a multi-national award winner, the highlights of Doug's career include the 2015 Indian Summer Music Award for "Best Contemporary Instrumental", the 2013 Indian Summer Music Award for "Best Native American Flute," the 2012 Indian Summer Music Award for "Best Contemporary Instrumental," the 2010 Indian Summer Music Award for “Best Native American Flute,” four Native American Music Awards including “Flutist Of The Year” and “Best New Age CD,” and the Coalition Of Visionary Resources Music Award for “Best New Age CD.” In total, Douglas has received over 50 various award nominations and has been a voting member of the Grammys since 2007.
As a world-class flutist, Douglas Blue Feather has been recognized by as a Top 10 Artist and comes with a proven track record of being one of the most talented performers on the Native American flute in the world. Douglas has performed at the Native American Awards, on Fox and NBC TV, and at numerous nationally advertised powwows, festivals, expos, universities and churches throughout the United States.
Open House
Learn more about White Dove Circle of Light and Love--who we are and what we do, our teachings and our classes, workshops, ceremonies, circles, retreats, and special events. Sample a mini healing session, a meditation, and a shamanic journey. Bring your friends!