Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed

The Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed melds science and spirit in gentle and effective ways that shift us from the old paradigms to new ways of being. Surrounded by crystals (to assist in regenerating cells and tissues within the body) and listening to binaural beat music (to assist in reprogramming the brain), the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed can help to:

  • restore balance and flow of energy to the fourfold body (spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical), thereby releasing blockages/imbalances which can cause blockages in our daily life

  • cleanse the auric/energy field and balances chakras to create good health and well-being within the physical body and an increase in positivity

  • elevate our connection to higher consciousness by raising our vibration through the release of blockages in the auric/energy fields (where fear exists, love cannot)

WARNING! If you have a pacemaker, had a kidney transplant, are pregnant, or cannot be around metal for any reason, please DO NOT use the Crystal Bed. If you do use the crystal bed, it will be at your own risk. There is copper in the amethyst biomat, and there are magnets in the overhead lights.

 Bio-resonance Field

Our bodies are receivers and interpreters of vibrations. We have various organs that are designed to receive different types of vibrations. The eyes receive light, the ears sound, the hair touch or pressure, the skin temperature, the nose smell, the heart receives magnetic and multidimensional energy. If our eyes were readjusted so they could see what we hear, then the “sound” would have color. The same holds true for the other sensors our bodies have. The sensory systems are designed to give us a broad spectrum of information through various mediums so we can use our bodies effectively. At any given moment, the human body can instantly report what is happening around us and in us. When our bodies are performing sub optimally, they can sometimes be overwhelmed with vibrations that are not the highest. Moreover, when we use a self-limiting belief, then that will affect what we do with the vibrations in our field.

Vibration-based Therapy

The crystal bed can create specific vibrations through light, sound, magnetics, etc. and do so in a way that relaxes the client and allows the intentions to flow. The special binaural beats created through the headphones will turn off the brain and stop the self-limiting beliefs for the time on the system. The vibrations generated throughout the massage table are carried into every cell in the body allowing for the cells to feel the same resonance. Specific frequencies are being generated through the crystal holders and the crystals are sending that information into the subtle energy body. Inside these holders is magnetic as well as light information. Because we are adjusting and resetting so many of the bodies information systems, we can then have amazing results. Homeostasis and wellbeing can occur in the body and allow the natural organic flow of energy and information to infuse the cells and subtle bodies of the client.

The great feeling aftereffects of the system typically last for days. When a client can use the system in a repetitive fashion for four to six weeks, then they will find lasting results. The reason for this is the replication of cells. As the cells in the body wear out and are replaced by new cells, they use the frequencies available for coding and information. When the cells have a consistently high vibration to work with, then they will replicate with those frequencies in place.

Types of Energies

The quantum resonance crystal bed uses several forms of energy which work together to form the basis of the system. We use light, sound, magnetics, and non-conformal energy as the fundamental building blocks. Within each of these are various subsections.

• Light: UV – Creates a safe light that allows the cells to be receptive to change.

o Supports Vitamin D production

IR – IR is a proven to reduce inflammation within the cells.

LED – Specific frequencies of light given to meridian/chakra points are beneficial to optimal health.

• Magnetic: PEMF – Our Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields are used in conjunction with the crystals to produce advanced Scalar fields. The frequency programmable PEMF coils are handmade and can use additional PEMF devices like RIFE and TENS units.

• Sound: Physical vibration – Allowing complete cellular immersion into specific frequencies for fast shifts and amazing transformation.

o Binaural beats – De-programing the brain from the thoughts that no longer serve and aligning a cohesive state between the left and right hemisphere. Choose from over 45 different custom-made music tracks or bring your own music.

• Non-conformal energy: Tensor fields – Structured energy fields that enhance the energy of the crystals.  Scalar – Produced from multiple sources in the system, Scalar is a multidimensional information system for the body. This allows the instructions for change and health to permeate all the cells.

o Orgone – Frequency derived information from the essential oils and fine minerals/ gems. By selectively combining these types of energies, we can effectively increase the potential for well-being or health.

Binaural Beat Music

Studies have shown that binaural beats can reduce cortisol levels. This makes for a very positive health benefit because if cortisol is present in persistently high levels in the body, it can cause a variety of bodily malfunctions, as well as lead to anxiety and depression. Benefits include:

  • Reduced levels of stress and anxiety

  • Increased ability to focus and concentrate

  • Improved learning capacity and cognitive skills

  • Deeper, more restorative sleep

  • Reduced feelings of depression and anger

  • Deep meditation for inner healing

Jade Face Mask

While lying on the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed, you can opt to wear a jade face mask. It can soothe the skin, reduce the appearance of puffiness, tone the skin's look, and alleviate the appearance of aging. These effects combined with the healing properties of the jade stone can lead to a clearer, firmer, smoother complexion.

Healing Recommendation

To achieve the most beneficial results, we recommend spending one hour on the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed twice/week for five weeks. To maintain these results, we recommend spending one hour on the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed twice/month. Packages available. Come heal with us!