The Great I AM Discourses from Source through Elliott Eli Jackson

The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom, Book lll, pp 28-40 Ch 1, “The Great I AM”

To fully understand the power of I AM given to us by Source, please read all of Chapter 1 of The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom Book III. Here are a few quoted excerpts from Chapter 1, Book III about the power of I AM:

Pp 29-31 “You and only you can claim who you are because of the gift of Freedom of Choice. No one can do it for you. …the words and sounds of I AM are most important, I AM being the conscious reflection of change, great change. It is the sound that causes all to be. Nothing can be done without I AM anywhere. All the great ones, as you understand the term on your planet, have been keepers of I AM. WE tell you they stated it, they knew it, they believed it, thus it became.”

“I AM being the perfect sound, the sound of claiming truth…I AM being the knowing of the manifestation of self. It is the complex yet simple assurance of who you are – a Creator!” This statement, I AM, should, must be used by more and more of you if you expect your Earth to change. WE gift this understanding to you NOW! Take it on, into and unto your very being. For you are Light and Love. However, you must bring the total Light and Love out in yourself. Only you can accomplish such.”

P 40 “Now presented are the Great I AM discourses for you to begin to absorb into your spiritual being. In turn, the spiritual will affect the mental which will affect the emotional, which will affect the physical. Those three portions of your being will begin to fully understand that you are I AM. These I AM Discourses, if stated and followed without prejudices, along with an open mind, will change the claimer’s life and the direction of your world.”

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The Great I AM Discourses from Source through Elliott Eli Jackson

Quoted verbatim from The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom, Book lll, pp. 41-47 Ch. 1

1. I Am, You Are, WE are One

I AM one with all things. I AM one with God. I AM God in human form. I AM one with all humans and all humans are one with God. I AM one with the Earth on which I dwell. I AM one with all portions of Earth - the air, the water, the fire, and the wind. I AM the air, the water, the fire, and the wind. I AM one with all animals and sea dwellers. I AM one with all portions of Earth. I AM one with the oceans; I AM the oceans. I AM one with the rivers; I AM the rivers. I AM one with the mountains and the hills; I AM the mountains and the hills. I AM one with the grass and the dew; I AM the grass and the dew. I AM one with the rain and the snow; I AM the rain and the snow. I AM one with everything and everyone. I AM everything and everyone. I AM and can never be separate from self, from God. I AM divine. I AM eternal. I AM everlasting spirit, everlasting soul. I AM from the beginning to the end. I AM that which I AM and can be nothing else. So it is uttered, so it is.

2. I AM Perfect

I AM amongst the perfect ones. I AM perfect just as I AM. At each stage of my life I was perfect - seven perfect systems in synchronization with everything everywhere. I AM majestic. I AM regal. I AM powerful. I AM able to achieve that which I desire. I AM beautiful. I AM wonderful. I AM true. I AM honest. I AM magnificent. I AM glorious. I AM confident. I AM able to move all obstructions from my path. I AM capable and able. I AM civic. I AM intellect. I AM binary. I AM operational. I AM inspirational. I AM tough. I AM model of the universes. I AM quantum. I AM troubadour. I AM humble of the Earth. I AM philosopher. I AM scholar. I AM torch and bearer of Light and Love. I AM Light and Love in perfect human form. So it is uttered, so it is.

3. I AM Creator

There is nothing I cannot do. I AM provider. I can provide for self and any others that I wish or desire to. I AM obtainer. There is nothing I cannot obtain if I but wish or desire to. I AM shaper of myself. I AM able to cause myself to be that which I desire to be. I AM former of self. No one causes me to be save self. I AM captain of my own ship, which includes relationships. I AM captain of self. I AM dream maker. I AM able to take my dreams and desires and bring them into reality. I AM Creator. I Create. So it is uttered, so it is.

4. I AM Master

I AM image of God on Earth. I can master all that I desire. I AM able to acquire all information necessary for me to achieve anything. I AM a seeker. I AM a teacher. I AM great in and of myself. I AM not an island. I AM communal. I AM able to isolate from others when the need arises to collect myself, reflect upon my previous actions, behaviors, and decisions, and then reintroduce or reintegrate myself back into society at a higher vibration than I was previous to the self-imposed isolation. I AM fluent in speech and projection. I AM orator and professor to self and others. I AM Master and Master I shall be. So it is uttered, so it is.

5. I Am Disciple

I AM a disciple of life. I AM able to learn or remember from my mis-takes. I AM listener to all without judgement. I AM not prone to contempt prior to investigation as I was before. I AM a discerner of truth. I AM watcher. I AM able to observe and take in that which I need to improve myself. I AM open-minded. I AM capable of reading and writing. I AM able to voice my opinion without anger. I AM able to control my temper always. I AM capable of being passionate without being aggressive or submissive. I AM well-rounded and centered. I AM non-judgmental yet observational. I AM studious, able to pass all scholastic, professional or any other test placed before me by man to show my level of competency. I AM attentive to all. I AM remembering and growing in each given moment. So it is uttered, so it is.

6. I AM Energy

I AM body in motion. I AM able to do all the physical tasks necessary for self. I AM able to push away and out any restriction that may come upon or within my physical being, often with the assistance of my others. I AM able to send Light and Love outside of my being to my others, to places and spaces on Earth and beyond. I AM a most positive effect on the human stream of consciousness. I AM as healthy as I cause myself to be. I AM able to understand that I can heal myself. I AM atomic energy. I AM rejuvenating right now. I AM of healthy cells. I AM whole. I AM abundantly filled with power. I AM the energy of the universes. So it is uttered, so it is.

7. I AM Action

I AM able to get things done. I AM unstoppable. I AM unmovable when I must be yet movable when I need to be. I AM walking 10,000 steps each day on Earth. I AM sitting only when I need to rest, otherwise I AM moving. I AM a go-getter. I AM not to wait for opportunities to come to me; I AM going to them. I AM seeking truth at all times. I AM seeking the information that I need to improve self and assist others. I AM action propelled by self. So it is uttered, so it is.

8. I AM Self-sustaining

I AM able to take care of self. This includes my body, mind and spirit. I AM taking all of the supplements that I need to sustain self for my weight, height and skeletal frame. I AM reading daily high vibrational spiritual information. I AM sharpening my brain each and every day through games, puzzles and conversation. I AM acquiring the money I need to do the things that I need to do, go the places I need to go and assist the people I need to assist. I AM not a greedy person and anytime greed presents itself in my life I AM able and capable of turning away. I will turn away. So it is uttered, so it is.

9. I AM Gratitude

I AM grateful for all that I have, have had and will have. I AM grateful for my spouse or partner if that be the case. I AM grateful for my past spouse, spouses or partners if that be the case, which causes me to be open to the new spouse or partner that awaits me. I AM grateful for my parents. I AM grateful for my children and grandchildren if that be the case. I AM grateful for my sisters or brothers and their families if that be the case. I AM grateful for my friends. I AM grateful for my employment if that be the case. I AM grateful for the ability to pay all my bills. I AM grateful for all things. I AM grateful to be a messenger of Source/God. So it is uttered, so it is.

10. I AM Peace

I AM a peaceful spiritual warrior. I AM peaceful and loving. I AM at peace with all beings, all animals, all thoughts and ideas, even if I do not agree with such. I AM able to disengage from confrontation. I AM never looking for a fight, verbally or physically. I AM, however, to always protect myself and those in my bloodline if my or their life is at risk. I AM understanding that this is totally acceptable to Source/God and the universes. So it is uttered, so it is.

11. I AM Compassion

Compassion, I AM. I AM grace, the very virtue that comes to me from Source/God. I AM knowing full well that there is not sin or hell. Therefore, I AM grace through my acceptance of my others no matter what they have done, will do, might do, say, don’t say, have said. I AM compassion for I know full well that each of us on Earth behaves as we do, or have, contingent upon the information that we have received and accepted at the vibration that we may be. I AM compassion for I let all that seek hear the aforementioned words from my very being. I pity myself and others when I or they make mis-takes. I AM, however, never to beat myself up for my decisions. So it is uttered, so it is.

12. I AM Humble

I AM humus of the Earth as all creatures on planet Earth are. I AM humble for even though I know there is nothing that I can’t do, I AM also knowing I need assistance from my others to accomplish those things that I am not able to do on my own. I AM humble for I understand that I have gifts and others may possess some gifts that I do not. Therefore, sometimes I must seek outside myself. So it is uttered, so it is.

13. I AM Present

I AM present for I live in the here and now. I AM in the moment for the moment is all I have. I AM in full understanding that all time is the same; the past, present and future are one. I AM present because, through understanding the moment, I AM able to use the past to live in the present and thus positively affect the future. So it is uttered, so it is.

14. I AM Introspective

I AM introspective for I AM continually looking at myself. I AM introspective for each day I check myself, my thoughts, my actions. I AM introspective for I AM able to apologize to myself if I make mis-takes. I AM introspective for I AM able to apologize to others, even when my mental tells me I should or need not. I AM introspective for I am, when necessary, able to discard that which I need not anymore. I AM introspective for when I have done something to harm or hurt myself or my others, I AM able to remember that it was not of a high vibration and that it is not in my highest good to repeat such behaviors. So it is uttered, so it is.

15. I AM Freedom of Choice

I AM freedom of choice for I do that which I desire and wish to. I AM freedom of choice for I make my own decisions. I always have and always will. I AM freedom of choice for I fully understand that no one has ever and will ever make me do anything that I do not desire or wish to do even if, at the time, it is not in my highest good. I AM freedom of choice because by accepting such, I AM able to change, to grow, to evolve. So it is uttered, so it is.

16. I AM Hope

I AM hope for I have hope for myself, for my others, for the trees, flowers, plants, animals, humanity as a whole, the mass consciousness, our planet, for the universes. I AM hope for I believe in miracles. I AM hope for I know things can change; all things change. I AM hope for I have hope in Source/God. So it is uttered, so it is.

17. I AM Positive

I AM positive for I look at the bright side of all things. I AM positive for when I look at the glass as half-empty, I AM able to change and look at it as half-full. I AM positive for I see the God in all, even those that may not be presenting such. I AM positive for I know they can change as I have. I AM positive for I look to the positive future of myself, my others and planet Earth. So it is uttered, so it is.

18. I AM Radiant

I AM radiant for all whom see my face and hear my voice shall know that I AM assured of self. I AM always sending out a light of joy from my very being. I AM shining, glowing in all directions from my aura. So it is uttered, so it is.

19. I AM Love

I AM love. I was born in love; I will die in love. I AM love for I can be nothing else. I AM caring, giving, protective, honest, true, stable, grounded, centered, driving, and determined. I AM in the image of Source/God which is love. Therefore, so Love I AM. So it is uttered, so it is.

20. I AM Never Alone

I AM never alone for Source/God is with me, in me, through me, under me, over me, and all around me. I AM and have never been disconnected from Source/God. I AM connected to the highest vibration of all the Angels, Masters, Teachers, and Healers of past, present and future. I AM connected to all stars, galaxies and universes. I AM here. I AM there. I AM Everywhere and yet Nowhere, Now Here. I AM that which I AM. I can be nothing else. So it is uttered, so it is.

“Let the Reader Read. Let the Hearer Hear! These are and shall always be the Discourses of I AM for humanity for your home, your planet, your Earth. Adhere to them and you and your world will change. Shout them to US, to self and others. Fore, they are the Keys to Ascension. You are on the path to Ascension – Continue. We Love You, Remember!”