2025 will be a year to better understand and help humanity. A 9-year cycle is closing, making way for a new 9-year cycle to begin. It is a year of tying up loose ends and of being in service. There is no room for self-centeredness. Completions and eliminations in 2025 make way for new beginnings in 2026.

2025: A Year of Completion

2025 (2 + 0 + 2 + 5) is a year to tie up all loose ends and make way for a new cycle to begin in 2026. 2025 is the year to discard old and worthless things in both your business and personal life. This could also apply to people in your life who no longer serve you. We must learn to let go gracefully. Something is always given in return for the loss. It is usually something better than what was lost, or it could be that the loss took place to make way for new opportunities to grow and reach your goal.

The energy of 9 usually represents loss of some kind. Be willing to let go in the interest of making way for future advancements and happiness. You may have business or friendship losses if you or they are demanding, controlling, or manipulating. Be tolerant, understanding, and forgiving. Have compassion.

Now is the time to clean your house, casting out old, unused, or unnecessary things in life, all to make way for new opportunities. Clearing the clutter is symbolic of releasing that which no longer is important to us. It is a sign that change is coming.

2025 is the time of being in service to one another. Charity and unselfish service to all of humanity gives rewards to those who serve without a thought of personal gain. Also know when the time comes to stop helping someone so as not to become their doormat. We should not keep doing for other people that they should be doing for themselves. Keep in mind the ancient proverb: When you feed a man a fish, he eats for a day. When you teach a man to fish, he eats for the rest of his life.

For those who crave personal power, admiration, and money, 2025 will break you. The power to succeed comes from unconditional love. The power of greed, manipulation, and control comes from fear. Learn to let go of these emotions, or they will take you down a path you do not wish to go. Always embrace truth, no matter how difficult it can be, for truth is what will set you free.

2025 is also the time to restore your health and to be more positive. It is the time to let go of any resentment, jealousy, and unkindness which may have become a part of your life. It is a year to be more understanding of others and less self-centered. It is a year to remember the world does not revolve around you. Lend a helping hand to help others so they can better understand the power they hold within themselves.

2025: An Important Year for Personal and Spiritual Growth

2025 can be a difficult year because of the lesson to be learned: satisfaction comes from giving. In a 9 year, one must learn to give of himself for the pleasure of giving. He may give money, time, friendship, affection, love, understanding, or sympathy. He should give with little expectation of return or reward and should allow the needs of others to take precedence over his personal ambitions. This seemingly difficult direction can produce the deepest satisfactions.

2025 can be a very challenging year for many because it contains within it the lesson of 7 (2 + 5), The energy of 7 will ask: What do you really want in life? Do you want to be in this relationship, career, friendship, etc.? Will you allow more of other’s behaviors which are no longer acceptable to you? Do you want to live in this home, be in this job, etc.? The energy of 7 forces you look at yourself, your wants, needs, hopes, and desires. The sooner you release that which no longer serves you, the sooner you can move forward in life into what you desire. Remember, you can’t bring in something new if you are hanging onto the old.

2025 will be especially challenging if you have not learned the lesson of patience and cooperation (2 energy). We have all heard “patience is a virtue,” but how many people actually practice this God virtue? A double dose of 2 energy began in the year 2020 and will continue through 2029. The energy of 22 (2 + 2 = 4) is a master number, working to become a master of unconditional love in life. Procrastination will only cause heartache.

The 0 between the two 2s lets us know Source/God is with us every step of the way. I call it the “open mouth” number in numerology. We can either learn our lesson and be grateful (O, thank you, God!), or we can continue to struggle learning the lesson (O, my God!). Either way, the choice is always ours. Learn the lesson quickly so you can move onto another lesson. Remember … As long as we are in life, there will be lessons.

2025: In Conclusion

To make it through 2025 with ease and grace, learn to be the universal lover of humanity: patient, kind, compassionate, understanding, and forgiving. Show others the way. Learn to go within through prayer and meditation to receive information directly from Source/God, not relying on others to provide answers for you. You have the power within. You are wiser and more powerful than you know.

Question, question, question everything, or you can never know truth. There are two types of truth: God’s truth and our perception of what truth is (which is not always God’s truth, even if we think it is).

Learn as much as you can, in every way that you can, from whomever you can. The greatest teacher is life itself. Our lessons take many different forms. Take in what resonates with you and discard that which does not. A closed mind goes nowhere, but an open mind provides opportunity for ample growth in so many different ways.

Be the observer. Are you being your true self (pure love)? Are others being their true self? The masks will come off this year to see that which we have not wanted to see or that which has been hidden.

Stay positive and be in a place of joy no matter what goes on in your world. If the energy is handled properly, 2025 can be a year to manifest a soul mate, success, prosperity, whatever your heart’s desire.

2025 will be a year to show others the way through your example, breadth of thinking, kindness, and compassion. As Mahatma Ghandi taught, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Happy new year, everyone! Wishing you and your loved ones a year filled with good health, a wealth of happiness, and innumerable blessings. May you find much peace, love, and joy within throughout the year.

Keeping you in my heart and prayers always, Pat