How to Tell the Difference between Your Ego, Logic, Spirit Guides, Intuition, and Low Vibrations

Know the difference between that which is your inner guidance and that which is not!

Your Ego

Ego is “Edging God Out.”  It is self-centered instead of other-centered.  It works for the good of self, not necessarily for the good of all.  It will either inflate you or deflate you, depending on how you feel and what you need to hear at the moment. Examples: 

  • “Don’t go out with that loser, he’ll ruin your reputation.”

  • “That piece of pie is going straight to your thighs, honey!”

  • “There’s no way we’re taking speech next semester.  I’ll find a way to kill us first.”

  • “She doesn’t love you so you might as well cheat on her.”



Logic is the mental voice that uses past experience, statistics, probability, and reason to communicate with you.  It is based on knowledge and facts.  You draw on logic from your own and others’ experiences.Examples:  

  • “Last time you tried doing that you broke your ankle.  Chances are good you’ll hurt it again.”

  • “Speaking in front of thirty people won’t kill you, so agree to do the speech and just practice until you can recite it from memory.”

  • “He’s smart, good looking, and his parents are still together.  You should date him.”

  • “There’s a traffic jam ahead.  I know a shortcut that will get us there faster.”

Spirit Guides

Your spirit guides know the bigger picture, while your ego lives in the moment.  Their job is to keep you on track with your life plan, to keep your growing and learning spiritually.  This sometimes means you may not like what they have to say.  For example, they might see the best way to teach you to value money is through bankruptcy. Examples: 

  • “You’d be wise to accept the job in Los Angeles.  It’s what you’ve been waiting for your whole life.”

  • “Don’t be afraid to do the speech.  It’s not going to be nearly as bad as you fear.”

  • “You know in your heart that he’s not right for you.”

  • “Remember what happened the last time you ate the whole pizza?  Do you want to experience that again?”


Intuition is more like a message than a messenger.  It guides you in the moment to help you make decisions that will have a positive impact on your overall human experience.  Intuition is connected to spirit guides in the sense that intuitive information usually follows your life plan. Examples: 

  • “Run!”

  • “Go left, now!”

  • “He’s the one!  Introduce yourself.”

  • “Stop at the gas station on the way home.”

Low Vibrations

Low vibrations work to keep you spirit down to take you off your spiritual path.  They whisper negative thoughts in your ear that feed upon your current or stored traumas and/or fears.  You believe what they have to say because you feel down and your energy is low.  Work to release these lower vibrations.  Work to raise your vibration. Examples: 

  • “Nobody loves you.”

  • “You can’t do that.  If you do, you’ll fail.”

  • “You know he doesn’t love you.”

  • “You don’t need to exercise today.  So what if you miss a day!  It won’t hurt you.”



Ego tries to protect you from failure and embarrassment.  While it may seem like it has your best interest at heart, it doesn’t always.  Still, it serves its purpose.

Logic can help you in life, until you run into something you didn’t see coming or have no information in your mental database to pull to the forefront. 

Spirit guides won’t tell you what to do because it violates free will, but they will help you to better understand better choices to be made.  Your guides have your best interest at heart, but you may not always like their guidance.  They do their best to help you succeed in life.

Intuition has but a moment to get its message through.  It will let you know when danger is near or at a critical decision is to be made.  When you learn to listen to your intuition, there will be less life-altering situations taking place in your life.

Low vibrations work to stop you from moving forward in life and on your spiritual path. They will stop you from doing the things you know you need to do. They whisper negative thoughts in your mind that create low self-esteem, low self-worth, anxiety, and depression. Push them away or they will only take you down a road you do not wish to go.

Sometimes all four voices overlap. Your ego might say, “Why would that guy be interested in you?” Your logic might be saying, “Look, this guy wants you to get in his van parked behind the alley.  That is probably not a good idea.  The chances of you going home in a body bag are pretty high right now.  I say pass.”  Your spirit guides might be saying, “Do you really think you can trust this guy?” Your intuition might be screaming, “Danger, avoid him!”  If you get the same message from all four voices, you’d better listen!

Get to know the difference between the voices in your head.  Identify which one is speaking to help you determine how much power and credibility you want to give it. The best way to develop the ability to discern the difference between all four is through awareness and practice.  Whenever you consult that inner voice, determine whether it is your ego, logic, spirit guide, or intuition talking to you. 

Now, if you hear other voices in your head like, “She looks tasty, let’s carve her up and eat her,” or “Jump off the barn because you know you can fly,” then you’re listening to something entirely different (called low-vibration entities).  Get help!