What Determines One’s Vibrational Level?
The purpose of life is to evolve in a spiritual sense and to become a master of energy and vibration through conscious control and use of our own creative faculties (thought and feeling). Earth has been compared to a school where we come to experience emotions—all of the emotions, not just some of them. To "graduate" Earth, we must learn to master the emotions and not allow them to master us.
To master an emotion means to respond to a challenging situation from a place of love, never fear. This ultimately leads to learning to accept everyone and everything in life as an equal. No one greater or less than another, for this is true unconditional love.
Our purpose in life is to achieve mastery over energy and vibration through the raising of our vibration into higher realms of being. Once achieved, we are able to perform even greater responsibilities in other realms of existence.
Life has its ups and downs, ebb and flow, yin and yang. Our vibration goes up, and then it goes down. It goes back up, and then back down, like waves in a stormy sea. Some waves are high; some are low. There is always a calm between the waves.
Life can be compared to a school. Some lessons can be challenging while others are much easier. Learn the lesson so the next lesson can present itself. And remember, as long as you are in life, there will be lessons. We came here to learn and grow, to evolve.
There are only two root emotions in life—love and fear. All emotions experienced fit into one category or the other. Manipulation, control, anger, resentment, revenge, jealousy, and envy are examples of fear while heartfelt emotions such as compassion, joy, humility, truth, and peace are examples of love.
One’s vibrational level is determined by the amount of fear from which a person lives their life. Fear is the result of unresolved trauma. One cannot have a fear without trauma.
The amount of unresolved trauma a person is holding onto determines their vibrational baseline. From here, our vibration goes up and down daily, based on the emotions experienced in life. The more we work to release past traumas and fear, the higher we raise our vibrational baseline.
Prayer and meditation lift us up temporarily, but then we go right back down when reality hits. To raise one’s vibration permanently, one must work to release the fears and traumas stored within. Your physical body and life are mirrors to show you that which you do not want to see within.
We have more fears than we realize. All of us live our life from a place of fear without ever realizing how much fear. Fears do not disappear at the end of a lifetime; instead, they accumulate throughout our many lifetimes until each one can be released.
Until a trauma can be accepted, understood, and finally released, the energy of trauma will stay with us, lifetime after lifetime, until it can be released.
For example, if we are drowning in life, our focus is on survival—not on accepting what is happening. Should we drown, this nonacceptance will turn into fear to be accepted, understood, and released in another lifetime. This is where past-life regression can be helpful.
Fear remains dormant within us until a similar emotion triggers it. The energy of the old trauma joins with the new trauma, creating an emotional outburst. This is only a temporary release. Once the trauma is properly released, it can no longer have an effect on us. We have peace within. The more traumas/fears we release, the more our vibrational base rises.
People today manipulate others by telling them they are at a low vibration. This is no different than religion telling someone they are going to burn in hell for what they did. Never compare yourself to others. This is judgement. We all learn at our own pace and in our own way.
One thing for sure is that if someone must tell you they have a high vibration, they do not. Someone who has a high vibration does not need to tell anyone. It is who they are. Here is a good analogy to help you better understand one’s level of vibration:
Memories are stored in our energy field. Where there is trauma or fear, the area is black. Fear is the absence of love. Where there is love, it is white. Love is the glue that holds everything together. From a distance, our energy field looks gray (black and white together make gray). The darker the gray, the lower one’s vibration, the more fear-based the person is. The lighter the gray, the higher the vibration, the more one is working from a place of love.
The more “of love” a person is, the more light is reflected outwardly to help others see through their fears. This light is not something we see with our physical eyes, but it is reflected in our physical eyes. There is a brightness in one’s eyes when love is present, whereas there is darkness when fear is present. Light always overcomes the darkness.
A person who is working from fear can easily be controlled. He/she cannot think for him/herself. Remember what happened during Covid? How many people went into fear and followed orders without questioning what was happening? We should always question everything, or we will never know Truth.
A person working from a higher vibration of love sees Absolute Truth, God’s truth which never changes. At a lower vibration, one only sees their perception of what truth is, which is not always Absolute Truth.
It is easy to recognize someone at a higher vibration because this person is in a state of constant peace. They are not easily excitable. They speak softly because they do not need to be the center of attention (a place of EGO—Edging God Out). They are humble.
A person with a higher vibration is kind, compassionate, and loving at all times. They accept people for who they are and where they are on their journey. They understand that people do what they do based on the level of vibration they are at with the information they have received and accepted at the time.
Like attracts like. It is a law of the Universe. You will attract to you someone who is just like you, someone who is at the same or a similar vibration as you. Someone who is no longer like you will fall away naturally. The separation does not have to be forced.
People should stop getting hung up on where a person’s vibration is and start working to raise our own vibration. If we are always looking for the spec in another’s eye, we will never see the boulder in our own. Change you, and your world will change with you.
When you go Home at the end of this life, the only thing that matters is what you have become. It does not matter what you have done or achieved in life. It does not matter what others do to you. Everything that happens in life happens for you, not to you. As long as you are in life, there will be lessons. Learn your lessons and move on.