"Releasing Cancer Nature's Way: True Healing and How to Achieve It" by Patricia Zimmerman
"Releasing Cancer Nature's Way: True Healing and How to Achieve It" by Patricia Zimmerman
Cancer—the very sound of this word evokes fear in the minds of men and women. People who hear they have cancer live in fear, the fear they will die from it one day. But they do not have to die from cancer. They can live. People release cancer all the time. Everyone has cancer in their physical body. It is the overage of cancer that creates illness or dis-ease in the body. Cancer is not the problem; the overage of cancer in the body is the problem.
Learn how to release cancer naturally, without drugs, surgery, or radiation. Learn what true healing is and how to achieve it. The principles in this book can be applied to any dis-ease, not just cancer. If the principles are followed, the body can and will heal because life will be lived from a place of love. The only thing that stops us in life is fear.