A Spiritual Explanation on "Why Weeds Grow in a Lawn"

Based on an article written by Leah Walker, eHow contributor (http://www.ehow.com/about_5045783_reasons-weeds-grow-lawn.html))

Lawn weeds (negative thoughts based in fear) are a nuisance and something every homeowner (person) has to deal with at one time or another. Most plants (thoughts) that have been classified as weeds are ones that are hardy and/or ones that easily reproduce (gossip).
A weed is a wild plant (a thought based on one’s perception of truth) growing where it is not wanted because it is in competition with cultivated plants (thoughts based in Absolute Truth). Weeds are a nuisance and something every homeowner (person) has to deal with at one time or another.
Weeds are hearty and can easily reproduce (gossip). Most weeds will compete with your lawn grass (positive thoughts based in love) for nourishment (attention). If left unattended, weeds (negativite thoughts based in fear) can take over your lawn (mind) or garden (creativity).
Like a healthy plant, a weed grows from a seed (thought). A seed must be planted in the soil (mind) in order to take root. 
Seeds can be carried onto your lawn by the wind (gossip), where they can settle, germinate (take root), and grow. Most weeds are dispersed with the wind.
Weeds often end up growing in lawns because they are brought there by water (emotions). When water flows over on a piece of property (current situation), either through rain (tears), a drainage system (emotional release) or flooding (emotional crisis), it can collect weed seeds all the way down (deeply rooted) and disperse them in your lawn. When the water subsides, weed seeds settle into the soil (mind) where it can grow (perpetuate).
Animals (friends) will bring seeds onto your property.  These seeds can be dropped off (shared) and settle into the lawn, where they can germinate.  When animals excrete waste (untruths), these weed seeds can get into your lawn and germinate.
Whether you know it or not, your family may be contributing to the weed problem you have in your lawn from hiking trails (conversations), dumping water from fish tanks (schools of thought) onto the lawn, or by adding straw or hay (food for thought) to a new lawn. Bird seed feeders (gossip mongers) can also contribute to a weed problem.
The weed takes in light (energy), carbon dioxide (feedback), and water (emotion/drama) to grow. The more food (power) the weed is given, the stronger it will take hold (root within you) and the more it will germinate, creating more of the same. [After all, energy follows attention!]
The easiest way to deal with weeds is BEFORE they have the chance to grow in the lawn. Applying pre-emergent weed chemicals (different perspective) to the lawn is one of the more popular ways to keep weeds from growing in your lawn. A pre-emergent should be applied prior to germination, and you should use protective wear such as eyeglasses (clarity) and gloves (detachment) when making the application.
An additional measure to keep weeds from growing in your lawn is to allow your lawn grass to grow high (raise your vibration). This will keep any weed seeds that do arrive in your lawn from getting the sunlight (energy) they need to sprout (grow).
If the weed (negative thought) is not properly removed, it can create much misery for the homeowner (person), making it difficult to restore the lawn (mind) or garden (creativity).
Remove the weed (negative thought), or it can destroy your lawn. Weeds are a danger to your well-being (health), lawn (mind), and garden (creativity). Accept only cultivated plants (Absolute Truth) so your lawn and garden will grow and prosper into a vision of beauty for all to behold!