The Case of the Common Cold

The only one who heals is the person him/herself when they are ready. No one else can or will do it for you. ~ Patricia Zimmerman

“The cold is a recalibrating device to balance you. It’s needed and it’s necessary. And all of you will continue having them. Now, you can have too many which tells you it’s a little out of balance, or you can have one or two a year, and it is in balance. But it recalibrates the system. It develops antibodies for certain kinds of things that then are good to go, and you need it. It’s an irritant. It doesn’t kill you, and it doesn’t have to develop into something bigger. And it will always be there, just to let you know.” ~ Kryon (through Lee Carroll)

It is important to remember there is reason and purpose for everything, even the common cold and flu. The only way to "cure" the common cold/flu is to REST! A cold/flu is a sign that your fourfold body is running on empty. Doesn't your car give you signs that it is running out of gas? Why wouldn't your body do the same? You don't catch a cold. You draw a cold to you because your body is run down (low on energy). But, if you prefer to believe you can catch a cold from someone, go right ahead! You can always create one, the result of your beliefs. Remember, the only thing catchy is a thought!

Over-the-counter and prescription drugs mask symptoms. Why not using something that can assist the body to heal naturally and really works! Try using/diffusing Young Living's Thieves or doTerra's OnGuard to feel better. doTerra's OnGuard Protective Throat Drops or Deep Blue Rub also work well to assist in healing the body. Most importantly, be sure to REST! as soon as the signs of a cold appear. You'll move through it much faster if you do.

Why Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils?

Therapeutic-grade essential oils work because they can get past the blood-brain barrier for true healing to take place. These essential oils are created from living plants; therefore, they cannot be patented. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs mimic a live plant and cannot get past the blood-brain barrier; they can be/are patented.

The Blood-Brain Barrier

Blood vessels are critical to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of the tissues and organs throughout the body. The blood vessels that vascularize the central nervous system (CNS) possess unique properties, termed the blood-brain barrier, which allow these vessels to tightly regulate the movement of ions, molecules, and cells between the blood and the brain. This precise control of CNS homeostasis allows for proper neuronal function and also protects the neural tissue from toxins and pathogens, and alterations of these barrier properties are an important component of pathology and progression of different neurological diseases. The physiological barrier is coordinated by a series of physical, transport, and metabolic properties possessed by the endothelial cells (ECs) that form the walls of the blood vessels, and these properties are regulated by interactions with different vascular, immune, and neural cells. Understanding how these different cell populations interact to regulate the barrier properties is essential for understanding how the brain functions during health and disease.

The blood-brain barrier - PubMed (

Be prepared this cold and flu season!

Have a supply of therapeutic-grade essential oils on hand. doTerra and Young Living therapeutic-grade essential oils are available for purchase at White Dove Circle's Gift Shop.

Come heal and grow with us!